
Just Thinking

Displaying 220 results


Finally! A high-tech mood ring for advisers’ anxious clients

Financial advisers are always searching for ways to keep clients from investing irrationally, especially in volatile economic climates. This has surely caused sleepless nights for countless advisers.

  • November 25, 2009

XBRL plan a win-win for industry, investors

No one can accuse Christopher Cox of being a neophyte when it comes to technology.


BrokerCheck could use a checkup

Financial advisers are well-aware that client trust is the key to success, and without it, they simply would have no business.


Check out these pay-for-un-performance packages

If you're in the mood for some blood-pressure-raising non-fiction, take a look at The Corporate Library's latest report on executive compensation.


Congress should keep heat on the SEC

Wagging his finger from the bully pulpit of Federal Hall, President Obama reminded financial leaders last week of the urgent need for new, tighter financial regulation.

  • September 13, 2009

Acts of kindness prevail in adviser community

Although the Bernie Madoffs and R. Allen Stanfords of the world have dominated media attention, the fact is…


Sorry, Charlie; the game is over

If only you had read my column a year ago and resigned, as I suggested, you could have been enjoying yourself this summer rather than be dealing with an ever-widening mess.


My hero, Judge Jed Rakoff

Federal Judge Jed Rakoff, who challenged the $33 million settlement worked out between the Securities and Exchange Commission and Bank of America Corp., is my new hero.

  • July 26, 2009

Welcome to the wider world of <i>InvestmentNews</i>

Whenever I attend industry events, advisers often stop to tell me how much they enjoy InvestmentNews — our print edition, the website, our daily alerts, webcasts and monthly e-newsletters.


A few schoolyard rules on executive pay

The Obama administration's plan to review the executive compensation packages of banks and big businesses that have received federal bailout money has sparked active debate.

  • June 14, 2009

The creator of InvestmentNews has left the building

When Bill Bisson called me into his office the week before last to say he was retiring after 34 years with the company, I said: “Good for you; bad for us.”


Memo to the government: Dead people don’t spend

In an effort to energize the economy, stimulus checks are being mailed to millions of people. Unfortunately, thousands of the recipients are dead.


This adviser really connects with his clients

I would trust Richard Salmen with my hard-earned money.


For advisers, technology is not an elective

Many financial advisers are falling short in their knowledge and use of technology.


Web-based tactics publicly embarrass tax cheats

Tax day is Wednesday, and once again the Internal Revenue Service won't collect billions of dollars owed by taxpayers.


The loneliness of the long-term adviser

As clients continue to freak out and look for "safe" investment solutions, financial advisers and financial planners are struggling with their own stresses.

  • March 15, 2009

Keep your clients aware of latest scammers

According to a recent report, the government's economic-stimulus plan presents an unintended gold mine for scam artists out to steal a person's money, identity or both.

  • March 8, 2009

Advisers can make financial news more accurate

InvestmentNews reporters and editors often are called on by a variety of other media to address the economic situation and the problems that investors face.

  • March 1, 2009

Mattresses are no savings vehicle

It was around midnight, and I was looking forward to some quiet time as I settled into a John Grisham novel.

  • February 22, 2009

Picking our pockets surgically

Medical identity theft is the nation's fastest-growing form of health care fraud.