
Just Thinking

Displaying 220 results

  • March 31, 2008

Panelists drive home concerns about health-care costs

I have to admit that I was a bit unnerved as I sat through the health-care session at last week's InvestmentNews Retirement Income Summit in New York.

  • March 24, 2008

Death, taxes and identity theft

If meeting its dreaded April 15 deadline isn't stressful enough, the IRS now is warning us about tax-related identity theft. The Internal Revenue Service's most recent annual list of scams of concern to taxpayers puts Internet "phishing" schemes — in which people are tricked into revealing confidential financial data — in the No. 1 spot.

  • March 17, 2008

Selfless advisers deserve recognition

When InvestmentNews last year decided to partner with the Invest in Others Charitable Foundation Inc. and the Community Leadership Awards program, it is safe to say we really didn't know what we were getting involved with.

  • March 10, 2008

Recent push by Finra is the right move

The recent push by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. to return money to harmed mutual fund investors was part of what should be a never-ending effort by the financial services industry to find ways to maintain consumer faith in the marketplace.

  • March 3, 2008

Don’t take a penny or a nickel at face value

It is no longer really a penny for your thoughts. To be precise, a thought is now worth…

  • February 18, 2008

Looking for the right masochist to lead the U.S.

Help wanted: High-ranking executive position pays $400,000 a year, with a minimum commitment of four years.

  • January 21, 2008

When credit reports are bad for your health

What do you get when you cross health insurers with the medical establishment?

  • January 14, 2008

Focusing on the next wave of clients

Advisers and planners must make it their business to understand the characteristics and mind-set of Generation Y.

  • December 17, 2007

I’ll keep my New Year’s resolutions this time – really

OK, here goes: The year 2008 will be the one in which I actually stick to my New Year's resolutions. This annual ritual, in case you didn't know, dates back more than 4,000 years to the Babylonians.

  • November 5, 2007

Fight Michigan’s service tax on investment advice

I have to admit that I do enjoy a good fight — not a punch-in-the-face fight but a solid, take-no-prisoners verbal battle. That is why I am closely watching the fight in Michigan over the new 6% service tax on investment advice, which was also imposed on about 20 other unrelated services.

  • October 8, 2007

Warn clients about IRS phishing scams

My friend Jay figured he was in a win-win situation: He would get $80 from the Internal Revenue Service for participating in an online customer satisfaction survey. In his mind, he would get paid for telling the IRS exactly what he thought about it.


Answering retirement’s big question

I am one of the umpteen million baby boomers slogging my way toward retirement. My generation — oh, you know the drill: “We changed everything,” “We’ve rewritten the rules,” yadda, yadda, barf.

  • September 17, 2007

Beware of the wacko blogger

Not every blogger is created equal. Some represent the legitimate, mainstream media, which have successfully harnessed blogs as a new tool for content delivery.

  • September 4, 2007

Congress should cap fat-cat deferred-comp plans

A double standard exists in this country, and it needs to be addressed by members of Congress.

  • August 27, 2007

Helping to ensure clients know the score

Everyone needs an annual fiscal checkup. Just as their bodies and cars periodically require inspection, clients’ finances…

  • August 20, 2007

A look at how our irrational brains tick

The human brain is a wondrous thing — of that there is no doubt. But when it comes…

  • August 13, 2007

Remembering reporter Gary Mogel

Time heals all wounds, or so they say. But it will take a great deal of time…

  • August 6, 2007

Random audits should not be feared

I have to admit I became uneasy when I read that beginning in October, the Internal Revenue Service…

  • July 23, 2007

Paying off pols is bad corporate policy

Morgan Stanley chief executive John Mack is working hard to raise money for presidential candidate Sen. Hillary Rodham…

  • July 16, 2007

Ideas for providing cutting-edge service

Every financial adviser knows the key to success in the ultrahigh-net-worth market: Service, service, service. But after…