
Letters To The Editor

Displaying 238 results

  • October 3, 2010

Affluent must help stem ‘tide of federal red ink’

In response to the letter from Bill Millico, “Willie Sutton's philosophy holds no appeal for U.S.” (Sept. 20), I believe Mr. Sutton's philosophy was that it is OK to rob banks.

  • September 26, 2010

For advisers, talking politics with clients makes little sense

I thought the article “No profit in talking politics with clients” (Aug. 29) was spot-on.

  • September 19, 2010

To the editor: Analysis of turnover in target funds misleading

I want to clear up a misperception that may have been created by the article “Target date turnover troubles big firms” (Aug. 30), which analyzed the turnover in life cycle funds.

  • September 16, 2010

12(b)-1 controversy isn’t helpful to the industry

I was stunned that you permitted such a blatant headline and outlandish comments relative to 12(b)-1 fees (Blaine…

  • September 10, 2010

Letters to the editor: Tax cuts should end for top-tier taxpayers

I would like to offer a counterpoint to the Aug. 23 letter from Jason Hochstadt, executive vice president of Jedi Management Inc., “Geithner tax comments were off the mark,” in which he cited the Tax Foundation's analysis of Internal Revenue Service data to support the view that too few are paying too much in taxes.

  • August 29, 2010

Dividends are useful part of an investment strategy

The Aug. 9 Investment Insights column, “Dividend investing is too good to pass up,” was excellent, especially the last point about reinvested dividends taking advantage of market lows.

  • August 29, 2010

Letters to the Editor

Re: “Republicans see economy tanking, but yields tell different tale” (, Aug. 23): N ot surprising.

  • August 22, 2010

Geithner tax comments were off the mark: Investors won’t be hurt by SEC’s 12(b)-1 proposal

I am writing to comment on a few things that Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said this month, which…

  • August 5, 2010

Keeping 12(b)-1 fees discourages churning

In response to Blaine F. Aikin's Fiduciary Corner column “Let's say goodbye to 12(b)-1 fees,” which appeared in the Jan. 18 issue, let's not say goodbye to 12 (b)-1 fees.

  • July 25, 2010

Letters to the editor: Short-term management of volatility is needed

The article “Volatility gives boomers bad case of market jitters” (June 21) raised important issues faced by baby…

  • July 22, 2010

Goldman situation offers lessons on use of e-mail

After reading the Just Thinking column “Let’s agree to disagree respectfully” (June 21), it occurred to me that…

  • July 20, 2010

Amen to letter taking issue with 12(b)-1 column

Having read the letter “If disclosed, 12(b)-1 fee is legitimate charge for honest service rendered,” written by Alan Peters, president of Alan Peters & Associates Inc. (March 1), I can only say, “Amen and right on.”

  • July 20, 2010

Everyone in business has a conflict of interest

It was heartwarming to read the Other Voices column by Michael Chamberlain, “Let's call a spade a spade and a salesperson a salesperson,” in the Oct. 5 issue.

  • June 27, 2010

High-frequency traders not to blame for ‘flash crash’ Advisers must help clients plan for health care costs

Although I enjoy and appreciate your publication in general, I find the lack of understanding appalling in the editorial “High-frequency trading merits close examination” (May 24).

  • June 20, 2010

Letters to IN: Risk assessment of firms is essential to compliance

I enjoyed the article “Post-crash, advisers yearn for structure” (May 17).

  • June 13, 2010

Article about expanding offices strikes a chord

I can relate to the article “As climate improves, advisers eye expansion” (May 24).

  • May 30, 2010

Market makers differ from specialists

A market maker does none of the things that Mr. Aikin describes, but buys and sells out of his or her own account to accommodate orders from entities that are basically “non-customers” to the market-making function within a firm.

  • May 23, 2010

Target funds ignore investors’ risk tolerance

In addition to the risks that target date funds pose because of their age-based rules, as so astutely…

  • May 9, 2010

Proposed DOL regulation should stick to disclosure

The Labor Department should go back to the basic purpose for this proposed regulation.

  • April 25, 2010

Talents should guide practice management

Robert Foney, chief marketing officer of Investors Capital Corp., made a great point in the Practice Management column “Using print media to bolster your brand” (March 29).