
lifetime income

Displaying 6 results


US individual annuities see record-breaking first quarter, says Limra

Latest survey reveals all-time high of $106.7B in Q1 sales, with winning streaks in fixed-rate deferred annuities, FIAs, and RILAs.


For retirement-age investors, it’s about keeping their nest eggs safe

Survey of pre-retirees and retirees reveals a major focus on capital protection, with a strong preference for stability and guaranteed income.

  • News
  • April 9, 2024

Most US adults fear outliving their money more than death

Concerns about inflation, Social Security, and taxes are stoking Americans’ financial anxiety, Allianz Life survey shows.

  • News
  • April 5, 2024

LeafHouse, ARS bring managed accounts to retirement plans

Tech tie-up taps 401(k) target-date funds from State Street to create personalized lifetime income for workplace plan participants.

  • News
  • February 7, 2024

Prudential closes jumbo pension risk transfer transaction with Shell

The financial services giant is taking on $4.9 billion in pension obligations covering more than 20,000 retirees.


When you should, or shouldn’t, recommend more protected lifetime income

Here are some of the key characteristics that may make some clients better candidates for such a solution than others.