
Marketing Strategies

Displaying 88 results

  • November 12, 2007

Helping one adviser market to his peers

Bruce Graham doesn't market exclusively to investors. The Orange, Calif.-based adviser, who operates a broker-dealer and a registered investment advisory firm, also markets to other advisers, trying to introduce them to a covered-call program he has run for the last 12 years.

  • September 17, 2007

Reach out to foundations to grow biz

What financial adviser wouldn’t like to have a client who has a long-term investment horizon, strong connections to the community and a large account balance? If that kind of client sounds good to you, consider marketing to foundations and endowments.

  • August 13, 2007

How you can keep the marketing ball rolling

Patrick Byrne knows how hard it is to maintain marketing momentum. “I can’t let service or financial management go,” said the president of Aspetuck Financial Management LLC in Westport, Conn. “As a result, my sales and marketing efforts suffer.”

  • July 9, 2007

A tutorial on creating a ‘raving’ marketing plan

Successful marketing programs don’t exist in a vacuum. This hit home when a financial adviser recently asked if I had a program to improve his client communications. When I asked what he wanted to accomplish, he said that his goal was to create “raving fans,” a reference to the book of that title by Ken Blanchard and Sheldon Bowles (William Morrow, 1993).

  • June 4, 2007

Want CPA referrals? Then think like a CPA

Any financial adviser who has tried to attract referrals from certified public accountants knows how frustrating — and often fruitless — that exercise can be. I once worked with an adviser at the investment advisory arm of a prestigious accounting firm in Baltimore. He wanted help building referrals from the firm’s CPAs in order to market to the firm’s client base.

  • May 7, 2007

A retro approach to attracting wealthy clients

Almost every adviser struggles with the challenge of reaching out to prospects who are wealthier and potentially more lucrative than current clients.

  • April 9, 2007

Adviser’s challenge: Generating referrals, retaining assets

A few years ago, I attend-ed a Schwab [Institutional] conference and sat in on an adviser round table on marketing.


The Fast Track: Teaching marketing with flower power

What do spending time in a women’s prison and handing out carnations on the streets of Denver have…