

Displaying 70 results


Medicare fund will pay full benefits for extra five years

Strong economy means the fund should be in a solid position until 2036.

  • News
  • April 17, 2024

Could retirement fluency cure Americans’ financial uncertainty?

Research report from TIAA Institute reveals troubling knowledge gaps around Social Security, Medicare, and retirement savings options.

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  • March 28, 2024

It’s official: Health care costs trump retirees’ other concerns

Poll of US seniors reveals that worries over health care expenses impact other areas, but only one-third have saved for health costs.

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  • March 20, 2024

Republicans propose raising retirement age

The proposal sets the stage for an election-year fight with President Biden, who accused the GOP of going after entitlement programs during his State of the Union address.

  • News
  • January 31, 2024

Estimated health care expenses in retirement increase again: EBRI

Men on Medicare would need as much as $184,000 to have a 90 percent chance of meeting their health care costs, and women as much as $217,000.


Social Security in 2024 and beyond

Benefits will be higher next year, but long-term financial concerns persist.


What’s new for Social Security and Medicare this year

Not only did Social Security benefits increase in 2023, but Medicare Part B premiums declined for the first time in more than a decade, resulting in larger net Social Security benefits for most retirees.


Last chance to switch Medicare drug plans and save

Most beneficiaries who stay in their current plans will pay more in 2023, and Medicare open enrollment, which lets beneficiaries change plans, ends next week.


Retiree health care costs to rise despite Medicare premium decline

The one-year drop in premiums does not offset the overall inflation in health care costs.


Medicare and same-sex couples

Married spouses are covered, but domestic partners may be out of luck.


Reassessing the 2022 Medicare premium hike

Advocates are urging the feds to lower the record hike in the Part B monthly premium for 2022 now that the price of a new Alzheimer's drug has been halved and its use is under review.


2022 outlook for Social Security

There's good and bad news on the horizon, including the biggest annual cost-of-living increase in 40 years, but also an offsetting rise in Medicare premiums.


Some Social Security checks to decline in 2022 due to IRMAA

Medicare high-income surcharges combined with higher Medicare premiums will take a bigger chunk of retirement benefits in the new year.

  • News
  • November 12, 2021

Medicare premiums, IRMAA surcharges to rise in 2022

The 15% hike in the Medicare Part B premium is one of the largest annual increases in Medicare’s history, as COVID-related expenses and a new Alzheimer drug drive costs higher.


Tilt odds in clients’ favor to win year-end Roth conversion bet

Congress has retirement accounts in its sights for future tax increases, but financial advisers can help their clients make some defensive moves now.

  • News
  • October 13, 2021

Social Security announces 5.9% COLA for 2022

The cost-of-living adjustment will result in the largest increase in retirement benefits and taxable wages in 40 years.


Medicare open enrollment begins Oct. 15

Clients don't have to make any changes, but they may be able to save money by re-shopping their prescription drug coverage.


Serial spouse has several Social Security claiming options

The woman, who's twice divorced and widowed, can select the biggest of the benefits available.


Rush to munis could boost Medicare premiums

The income calculation for Medicare and Social Security includes tax-exempt interest on municipal bonds.


Financial planning in the new normal

As the world returns to a more public way of life, it's an ideal time for advisers to check with clients whether their financial house is in order.