

Articles, news and expert opinion on investment topics related to the Millennial generation.

Displaying 55 results

  • News
  • June 18, 2024

Young, wealthy investors more likely to go for broke

BofA study reveals how younger high-net-worth individuals view crypto, real estate, and other alternatives differently from Gen X and older generations.

  • News
  • June 17, 2024

Rich Americans confident on money management, but not so much about retirement

Affluent individuals estimate they’d need a $3M retirement nest egg, and just half are prepared to transfer their wealth.

  • News
  • June 14, 2024

Women are less hopeful they’ll be richer than their parents in retirement

New survey findings reveal gender-based and generational gaps in adults’ retirement wealth expectations.


Financial independence tops millennials’ must-reach milestones, says CFP Board

While many Gen Y members believe they’ll succeed at their life goals, a vast majority see roadblocks from expenses, debt, and lack of savings.


How can advisors unlock relationships with high-growth client segments?

State Street survey of hybrid, millennial, Gen X and women investors offers cluse for advisors to seize opportunities.

  • News
  • April 24, 2024

Millennials, Gen Z starting earlier on ‘serious’ financial planning

Compared to boomers, younger generations are getting quicker starts to equipped themselves for their financial journeys.

  • News
  • April 9, 2024

Gen Z, millennials as likely to own crypto as real estate

Online poll of 4,000 adults reveals younger generations’ approaches to wealth-building, financial 'hacks,' and trusted financial sources.

  • News
  • April 9, 2024

Three-fifths of millennials don’t have a will or trust: Study

Survey of 15,000 millennials reveal a gap in generational planning as caregiving duties and homebuying struggles take their toll.

  • News
  • March 1, 2024

Young clients lead to riches

‘We have the opportunity to create the greatest impact on outcomes with millennial and Gen Z clients,' advisor says after new data revealed.


Advisor’s message to millennials: There is hope

Preparing his finances to become a dad, Kevin Mahoney was taken aback by the amount of research needed. He decided to use his financial knowledge to help fellow new parents

  • News
  • January 3, 2024

‘My generation is fairly traumatized’

New York City advisor explains why he focused on millennial clients when ‘nobody else would invest in them.’


Market volatility exposes generation gap among investors

As the banking crisis unfolded during the first quarter, the youngest investors were loading up on financial sector stocks and crypto, while older investors backed off.

  • News
  • January 24, 2023

Fidelity hopes to bridge the gap between aging advisors and young investors

It stars with a new toolkit to help industry veterans better relate to a universe of potential clients that wants advice on its own terms.

  • News
  • September 13, 2022

Investors see inflation as top concern

Research from State Street Global Advisors exposes a generational divide when it comes to seeking out financial advice.


What millennials should expect from Social Security

A projected 20% benefit cut in 2035 could significantly reduce lifetime income for younger workers, according to a new paper from HealthView Services.


Steeled by crises, millennials ready for retirement challenges

A pair of studies proves that millennials are better prepared financially than people realize.

  • News
  • January 31, 2022

Who most wants to work with an adviser? Millennials

Millennials are the most optimistic generation, with nearly half saying their quality of life is better or much better over the previous year, study finds.


Niche adviser bulks up with a focus on fitness coaches

Justin Green, founder of AssistFP, has learned that developing a niche is an evolutionary process.

  • News
  • October 28, 2021

Cryptocurrency investors are more charitable than others, Fidelity says

The asset manager's philanthropic unit says crypto’s popularity could fuel charitable giving.

  • News
  • September 24, 2021

Want a tattoo of your favorite ticker? 1.1 million new investors say yes

A new survey by Public, a next gen-focused investing app, researched the behaviors and motives of millennial and Gen Z investors. The majority of respondents started investing in the past three years.