

Articles, news and expert opinion on investment topics related to the Millennial generation.

Displaying 55 results

  • News
  • July 21, 2021

Who’s worried about retirement? Young people

The pandemic has created concerns about retirement security among millennials and Gen Xers.

  • News
  • April 15, 2021

Top 3 ways to attract millennials: J.D. Power

The past year has exposed a stark divergence in the investment behavior of millennial investors compared with their older counterparts. A huge generational transfer of wealth, at roughly $68 trillion, is poised to fall into the hands of the millennials.

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  • March 19, 2021

Investor appetite for ETFs on the rise: Schwab

ETFs expected to make up a growing share of investor portfolios in the year ahead, according to Charles Schwab & Co.’s ETF Investor Study.

  • News
  • February 10, 2021

COVID accelerates the evolution in key financial planning trends

Women Adviser Summit speaker Shannon Spotswood of RFG Advisory says the pace of change in the advisory business 'has been put on steroids' and explains how to future-proof your business.


Tips for building a generation-resilient business

Are you prepared to attract, serve and retain the next generation of clients?

  • News
  • February 3, 2021

Millennials still lag in wealth accumulation, study finds

This generation's longevity, combined with the fact that they'll get less support from Social Security, poses a retirement income problem.

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  • December 3, 2020

Americans experiencing high levels of financial stress, CFP Board finds

Health care is the top financial concern, survey reveals; 32% worry about unemployment

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  • December 3, 2020

Guess what? Most Vanguard investors are Steady Eddies

New analysis of 5 million of the company's retail clients finds their portfolios are diversified and they don’t trade much

  • News
  • July 23, 2020

Gold’s 24% run attracts the attention of younger investors

The precious metal is uniquely suited to hedge the disruptions of 2020

  • News
  • April 15, 2020

Millennials hit hardest in this economy, report says

More than half of millennials have recently lost their income, and almost no one is planning to buy a house, a report by Hearts & Wallets found


Millionaire millennials are real, so start servicing them now

Who will guide this unwanted cohort’s deceptively bright financial future?


Still overlooking millennials? Not OK, Boomer

Why the financial advisory industry continues to fail at connecting with this crucial generation

  • News
  • October 7, 2019

Older millennials fear they won’t ever be able to retire

Those who graduated during Great Recession scarred by memories of a dismal employment market.

  • News
  • October 7, 2019

Older millennials fear they won’t ever be able to retire

Those who graduated during Great Recession scarred by memories of a dismal employment market.


How financial advisers can serve the gig economy

A 'financial wellness adviser' would be better suited to the needs of independent workers.


Don’t fear millennials

HENRYs who carry debt will probably become your best clients


Embrace innovation to attract next-gen investors

Advisers need to change their relationship with technology to keep pace with the changing preferences of younger clients

  • News
  • October 16, 2018

Wealth management faces its moment of truth: Q&A with Apex Clearing CEO Bill Capuzzi

Apex Clearing CEO Bill Capuzzi talks about how a rising class of millennial investors is reshaping wealth management and the implications for the future of digital wealth.


FOMO, social media driving millennials’ investing decisions

Wealth managers are being forced to reassess the services they provide to this generation.

  • News
  • June 12, 2018

Impact investments made by more than 70% of millennials and Gen Xers

Just 30% of baby boomers and older investors have made similar investments, Fidelity Charitable finds.