
Morningstar Inc.

Displaying 526 results


Morningstar brings smart beta into the active-passive debate

Breakfast with Benjamin Morningstar reshuffles the deck in the active-passive debate, expanding the framework to fold in strategic beta.

  • News
  • June 17, 2016

Mutual fund investors continue to suffer from buying high, selling low: Morningstar

Investors typically lose when trying to time the market. But some experts like AQR's Cliff Asness and Rob Arnott of Research Affiliates say a little market timing may not be so bad.


Pimco issues urgent warning about state of commercial real estate market

Plus: Why Wall Street is avoiding pot investments, where to invest $10k today, and become financially better off by not doing this


Lessons learned while working overseas

Morningstar's Sheryl Rowling has advice for how to best adapt to changing conditions as she works remotely from Spain.

  • May 18, 2016

Advisers managing $600 million leave Morgan Stanley to start RIA firm

The wirehouse advisers create independent wealth management firm We Are One Seven in Cleveland


Puerto Rico default could blindside investors in municipal bonds

Some muni funds, such as Oppenheimer, are over-exposed to the risky bonds.


Voting with their feet, investors show fund companies how they feel about high fees

Breakfast with Benjamin The message is being put out loud and clear: investors want lower-cost investment products.

  • April 27, 2016

Morningstar: The more you pay, the less you get from funds

High-fee, actively managed funds fail in the long term.


Investors poured $32 billion into bonds in March with Vanguard, BlackRock dominating

The inflow was the most since January 2013, thanks to the market's extreme volatility during 2016's start.


Loomis Sayles goes global as investors continue to shun domestic equity funds

New fund will leverage expertise, diversify product lineup.

  • News
  • April 11, 2016

ValueLine joins other asset managers by embracing liquid alternatives

Fund wants to diversify product line and strike while the iron is hot with proposed acquisition of the Alpha Defensive Alternatives Fund


American Funds says low fees, manager ownership can save actively managed funds

Top money manager finds two key elements that can help identify which funds are more likely to beat their benchmarks.


Morningstar expands access to ESG fund scores for socially conscious investors

Investors can see how funds rate when it comes to sustainability factors. But public access could mean more pressure and focus on ESG issues from clients.

  • News
  • March 3, 2016

Value stocks poised to take the lead from growth investing

A looming earnings recession favors utilities, staples, dividend-payers.

  • March 2, 2016

Morningstar’s sustainability effort kicks off with ESG scores on 20,000 funds

Scoring funds for social, environmental and governance factors feeds a growing investor appetite


Keeping mutual fund cash in perspective

Most fund managers want to stay fully invested.


India cover story

It would be difficult to overstate the economic and demographic momentum of India. The country of 1.3…

  • December 30, 2015

What we’ll remember about the markets in 2015

Some highs and lows, swings and misses


Cheap oil presents new investment opportunities

MLPs move back into the spotlight for patient investors


Making the case for market-timing with humility

Breakfast with Benjamin Morningstar's John Rekenthaler clarifies after recently referring to market-timers as “circus clowns minus the funny suits.”