
Morningstar Inc.

Displaying 526 results


Crashing commodity prices will give the Fed one more reason to not raise rates

Breakfast with Benjamin: Crashing commodity prices are real, and the result might be another delay to the Fed's rate hike.

  • July 28, 2015

Under regulatory pressure, Voya restricts sales of more variable annuities

Voya Financial Advisors has restricted sales of variable annuities for the second time in two months, as the brokerage firm faces increased pressure from regulators questioning the suitability of the products for retirement savers.


Gold not getting boost from investors seeking safe haven from Greek crisis

The precious metal stays in trading range as Greece lives on the edge of default due to tepid inflation, muted demand for gold from China and a strong U.S. dollar.

  • July 25, 2015

Health care creates a bright spot for beleaguered stock-pickers

Sector funds give specialist managers an opportunity to shine during a long bull market.

  • July 23, 2015

‘Terror-free’ investing proves winning strategy for Patriot Fund

The upside of avoiding energy stocks and the pain of a strong dollar.

  • July 20, 2015

Hedge fund specialist SkyBridge pushes back against liquid alts trend

Liquidity, performance concerns and business conflict cause the expanding hedge-fund firm to take a more traditional approach to mutual funds.


Goldman pares down liquid alts, presses Morningstar to follow suit

The key is bringing liquid alts more in line with hedge fund strategies


Morningstar repeats ‘not-ratable’ status for Gundlach’s DoubleLIne Total Return Bond Fund but can’t ignore its success

Even though Morningstar, for the second year in a row, has released its analysis dubbing the DoubleLine Total ReturnBond Fund not-ratable, analyst Sarah Bush is unable to get around pointing out that it's pretty good.

  • July 13, 2015

Vanguard Group hires a smart beta expert from pioneer Research Affiliates

Index investing giant has challenged the marketing of smart beta funds. Now it's turning to someone whose research has helped those funds grow.

  • July 13, 2015

Advisers choosing hedge-style stock-pickers face ‘beta’ challenge

Closet indexing, market timing are among the risks in long-short equity: analysts.

  • July 9, 2015

Dan Fuss’ Loomis Sayles Bond Fund underperfoms, hit by dollar’s rise

Investors stick with $22.6 billion fund as famed manager calls reason for negative returns temporary phenomenon.

  • July 8, 2015

Automated advisers attract much smaller clients than humans: Morningstar

Digital investment platforms with human advisers bring in account balances 10 times higher on average than regular robo-advisers.


Wells Fargo faces major test of broker liability for selling F-Squared

A 68-year-old widower claims wirehouse did insufficient due diligence on the troubled money manager.

  • July 7, 2015

China stock plunge reignites debate over when and whether U.S. investors should get in

Not having access to the market has been protecting mutual-fund investors from fast declines.

  • July 7, 2015

Vanguard’s new ambassador to advisers: We’ve earned your trust

Thomas M. Rampulla's return to the U.S. comes after the firm recast itself as a patron of an industry that once saw it as a threat.

  • July 6, 2015

As Puerto Rico crisis intensifies, mutual fund investors face loss of capital

If the island can't pay back all of its debts, some fund holders could suffer haircuts.


Morningstar unveils active vs. passive performance comparison tool

At its annual conference, Morningstar rolls out the Active/Passive Barometer, a tool that compares the performance of actively managed mutual funds net of fees to comparable passive products.

  • June 30, 2015

Top bond manager overseeing billions at J.P. Morgan takes leave

Douglas S. Swanson will step aside, starting Oct. 1.

  • June 29, 2015

In latest test, active managers outperform bond indexes

After a disappointing 2014, intermediate-term bond managers have found their footing.

  • June 26, 2015

Oakmark’s Bill Nygren: Investors penalize ‘shareholder-unfriendly’ CEOs too much

Top portfolio manager takes another perspective on an issue that BlackRock's Fink and other corporate critics have championed.