
Morningstar Inc.

Displaying 526 results


Morningstar improving bond fund data reporting

The change could impact how advisers construct fixed-income portfolios for clients.

  • April 3, 2019

Alternative strategies earn their keep over six months of market extremes

The key is looking beyond the broad category averages to focus on portfolio managers and the investment process

  • April 2, 2019

How mid-cap growth funds owned the first quarter

Investors who stayed put during the fourth-quarter market meltdown were rewarded by mid-cap managers.

  • March 28, 2019

Some mutual fund investors might unwittingly already own shares of Lyft

Fidelity Investments bought into the ride-sharing company ahead of the upcoming IPO.


ESG options scarce in 401(k) plans

There's growing interest among plan participants, but reluctance to add funds that take into account environmental, social and governance factors persists.

  • March 12, 2019

Lipper plans ESG scoring system for mutual funds

Citing the growing appeal of sustainable investing, Lipper aims set the bar for ESG ratings

  • News
  • March 1, 2019

Morningstar brings Pimco flagship fund down down a peg

The 32-year-old Pimco Total Return Fund, made famous by Bill Gross, is cut to three stars.

  • February 27, 2019

Fintech competitors seek opportunity in Envestnet Tamarac acquisition of Schwab PortfolioCenter

Orion and Morningstar launch efforts to lure 3,000 advisers on the aging portfolio accounting software.


Morningstar study says advisory clients are stuck on investment performance

Citing Vanguard's research, Morningstar says advisers need to emphasize the value of behavioral coaching over portfolio management

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  • January 3, 2019

Vanguard shutters $1 billion mutual fund

Convertible securities fund to be liquidated because it attracted the wrong kind of investors.

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  • December 17, 2018

Vanguard combines two strong funds creating a $25 billion large-cap growth portfolio

The combined Vanguard U.S. Growth Fund will create a $25 billion large-cap growth portfolio


Tax-smart year-end charitable giving

How to maximize donations under the new tax rules.


Morningstar: DOL fiduciary rule reduces inflows to mutual funds with high loads

With the measure's demise, will the SEC's advice reform sustain the momentum?

  • News
  • October 29, 2018

Tax Planning Mastery: 5 Strategies for Year-End Success

While the new tax laws will complicate year-end planning, there are some moves you can make for your clients

  • October 19, 2018

Market volatility brings alternative investments back into focus

Asset managers struggle to get investors on board before it's too late.


When investment performance is too good to be true

Morningstar reported a Great-West Financial bond fund returned 7.1% in the third quarter— except it didn't.

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  • October 3, 2018

Mercer, Morningstar join forces for single digital research platform

The new platform will be made available on Morningstar Direct and introduced by region next year.


What advisers get wrong about investors

Investors are a diverse bunch, which should guide the way advisers prospect for clients and deliver recommendations.

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  • August 23, 2018

Active managers fall further behind indexes

Just 36% of actively managed stock funds topped indexes through June, down from 43% in 2017.

  • July 26, 2018

61 is the ‘magic’ age when it comes to retirement

Advisers can use a mathematical formula to more safely guide a client's retirement income portfolio.