
OpINion Online

Displaying 153 results

  • April 27, 2012

The Goldman Op-Ed furor: Who are the ‘muppets’?

Greg Smith's parting shot at Goldman Sachs in a scathing New York Times Op- Ed piece yesterday has touched off a firestorm.

  • March 29, 2012

Why Kool-Aid boosts adviser satisfaction

J.D. Power and Associates' recent report speaks volumes about the power of corporate culture


New from Uncle Sam: Treasury Zero

It's coming, and you know it; also on the way: euro a go-go and fiduciary fade out

  • March 25, 2012

BPP — or why pessimistic investors make great clients

There’s a gold mine waiting for advisers who seek out pessimistic investors. I’m not talking about survivalist kind…


Hedge fund insider spills the beans: You’re better off with Treasuries

His research shows returns have dipped substantially since the 1990s; compensation eating into payouts


Meredith Whitney was wrong — or was she?

Timing is everything, and the high-profile analyst blew hers with that celebrated muni meltdown prediction for 2011; she still may end up being right, though

  • October 6, 2011

What financial advisers can learn from Steve Jobs

Even in the investment advice business, there's a place for beauty and sex appeal

  • October 4, 2011

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> The world is flat — and so is the economy

The Commerce Department says retail sales are going nowhere, while the Labor Department says employment is flat.


Market doldrums: Welcome to Kondratieff winter

Theory promulgated by obscure Russian economist may explain current economic malaise — and falling stock prices

  • September 19, 2011

What advisers can learn from ‘Weinergate’

Surprisingly, the political scandal offers some lessons on how advisers should treat clients

  • August 16, 2011

What currency does Axel Merk like that ‘everybody hates’?

As all eyes focused on the equity markets, one easily overlooked development yesterday was the Treasury's 30-year bond auction. Guess which player didn't take part?


The B-S solution to the fiduciary issue

With everything Washington politicians have to worry about this year — gigantic budget deficits, getting re-elected, the disintegration of Arab countries, getting re-elected, the rotten economy and getting re-elected — there's a good chance the fiduciary-standard issue may not be resolved for quite some time.


Are Americans too dumb to retire?

If so, auto-enrollment plans make a lot of sense


Asset allocation R.I.P.?

New study reveals savers not saving enough -- and asset allocators not allocating assets enough


Why the iPad will change the advice business

Brokers, planners, investment managers — everybody's crazy about Apple's ubiquitous portable reader

  • April 15, 2011

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> <i>Auf wiedersehen,</i> Big Board – and why crazy often makes sense

The effective demise of the New York Stock Exchange has important lessons for all of us.

  • April 15, 2011

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> Should the U.S. crib from other nations? You bet

America could learn a lot from other countries -- if only we paid attention


Regulatory future for U.S. advisers now on display – in Oz

Securities industry turned upside down Down Under

  • March 2, 2011

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> CONJOB a surefire way to boost employment

Proposal would leverage CEOs' greed for the benefit of all mankind — or at least those who are still pounding the pavement

  • March 2, 2011

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> When Facebook will go public

When will Mark Zuckerberg be ringing the bell as investors clamor for his company's stock? InvestmentNews' Evan Cooper has an idea.