
OpINion Online

Displaying 153 results


Nasdaq’s boss wants to buy the Big Board? Be careful what you wish for

The marriage of giants in one industry doesn't always hit the heights

  • January 25, 2011

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> Goodbye, Empire State

People are leaving New York in droves (and Chevy Impalas). Why is this?


Mark Madoff – An American tragedy

While in no way minimizing the tragic fate of Bernie Madoff's other victims, one can't help but feel immensely sad for Mark, whether he knew or didn't know.


Want to be Morgan Stanley’s James Gorman for a day?

Given the bank's recent performance, there are probably easier jobs out there


Blame the airline delays on Alfred Kahn

If you or a loved one were stuck on a plane or in a crowded airport in the last week, you can blame it on the blizzard. But you can also blame it on Alfred E. Kahn, the Cornell University professor of economics who died Monday in Ithaca, N.Y., at the age of 93.


What will the world be like in 2021? UBS offers a glimpse

Researchers at the bank's wealth management unit see a few surprises ahead


Fed, schmed: Pay no attention to those men behind the curtain

We all hang breathlessly on every word Fed officials utter. Why do we do this?

  • December 15, 2010

Brokerages’ ‘access to advice’ argument preposterous: IN’s Cooper

Given the vague, distorted and misleading ways many of us use language these days, George Orwell is probably spinning wildly in his grave.

  • November 12, 2010

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> Market structure? What market structure?

The core question is simple: What's the best way to structure the mechanism by which people trade stocks?

  • November 12, 2010

<b>Opinion Online:</b> The perfect business model for advisers

Do you struggle to make your business more profitable? You're not alone. In whatever channel advisers labor — wirehouse, regional, independent, hybrid, pure RIA — and in whatever way they are compensated, financial advice-givers of all stripes are grappling with ways to improve their business.


IN’s Cooper: The fiduciary comments I’d like to see

As the new Dodd-Frank legislation requires, the Securities and Exchange Commission now has six months to study whether a fiduciary standard; a first step in this process is gathering input.

  • November 12, 2010

<b>OpINion Online:</b> A guide for RIA crooks

If you've got more than a little larceny in your heart, becoming an RIA may be a better route to unjust rewards than being a registered rep.

  • October 6, 2010

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> The Hartford’s petard problem

You have to feel sorry about The Hartford's latest problems.

  • October 6, 2010

<b>IN’s Cooper:</b> Interest rates do the limbo rock

Those of us who remember Chubby Checker in his prime (if you're wondering, he's still alive and will be twisting at the Topsfield Fair in Topsfield, Mass., and the Georgia National Fair in Perry, Ga., in October) probably can recall one of his lesser hits, “Limbo Rock.”


IN’s Cooper: Why I’m looking forward to deflation

Forget the doom and gloom -- plenty of good can come from falling prices

  • August 25, 2010

IN’s Cooper: Why my money’s on deflation — and inflation

Submitted for your approval: A most unusual investment theory

  • August 19, 2010

Why the world needs the uber-wealthy

My colleagues in the business press lavish an extraordinary amount of space on the world's richest people,which is altogether fitting and proper, considering how much they can teach us about the important matters of life.


IN’s Cooper: Spitzer’s not ready for prime time

With the launch of a new show on CCN, the rehabilitation of the disgraced ex-governor is officially complete. This is not necessarily a good thing.

  • June 30, 2010

<b>OpINion Online:</b> Inside the Obama-BP meeting

As you probably have heard by now, British oil giant BP PLC has agreed to endow the $20 billion mea culpa fund ordered by President Obama in his Tuesday night address to the nation.

  • June 24, 2010

How the Dow’s decline will change your elevator speech

Business propositions that center on making money through investing is out of sync with the times.