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Taxes, recession and the Shawshank solution

Remember the last scene of “The Shawshank Redemption,” when Andy Dufresne is fixing his boat on the beach in Mexico? I've always loved the resolution of that movie because our innocent hero has triumphed over evil and walked away with enough money to live the rest of his life exactly as he wants.


Tiger Woods, CEO pay and we mere mortals

The public's seemingly endless fascination with the woes of Tiger Woods is evidence of the human penchant to create gods of men — and then pillory our creations, once we realize they're only human.


Why your assistant is your ticket to success

If there's one dominant theme in the advisory world these days, it's the transition under way among thousands of advisers. Their role is shifting from one of being primarily a rainmaker and investment decision maker to being primarily an owner and manager of a business providing financial advice.


A Christmas poem for advisers

'Twas the days before Christmas, and on our website Not much was stirring; the news was quite light.


Death, taxes and advisers: The skinny on estate rates for 2010

It seems that the sexiest webcast topic we've ever hit upon at InvestmentNews is estate taxes.


An adviser hot button: Social networking

Tuesday's InvestmentNews webcast, Using Social Media to Market Your Practice, broke all our attendance records. I knew — and Davis Janowski, our technology reporter, keeps reminding me — that social networking is important for advisers, but frankly I was surprised by the overwhelming interest in the subject.


Do your wholesalers do this?

Robert Larsen is the kind of fund wholesaler most advisers wish would call on them — and not because he brings pizza, leaves sleeves of golf balls or pays for client dinners.

  • December 9, 2009

Why giving thanks makes so much sense

Probably because I'm not cool, I don't spend my days Twittering, reading blogs, instant messaging my BFFs or checking my RSS feeds. I'm happy if I can make it through my inbox and half my daily to-do list.

  • December 9, 2009

‘Tis the season for market forecasts – and lunch

I don't mean to sound insensitive or flip, but a few years ago, I came up with an economically and socially beneficial way to address the hunger problem in New York. I call it the PR solution.


Retirement income winners and losers

You wouldn't know it from the way most mutual fund companies and insurers are marketing their products today, but retirement income in all its dimensions is going to be the key driver of the financial and investment business for the next two decades at least.


What Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary can teach the advice business

Paying to use the bathroom in a plane? Standing on a flight to save a few bucks rather…


An open letter to Robert McCann at UBS

Dear Mr. McCann: Congratulations on taking over as head of the U.S. wealth management business at UBS.

  • November 11, 2009

What high-net-worth investors <i>really</i> want from advisers

If you think that an impressive track record is going to wow wealthy clients and persuade them to…


Why high-frequency trading is meaningless

You've probably been reading a lot about high-frequency trading lately. I'm going to explain why you and your clients have nothing to worry about.


Keeping an eye on stable-value and long-short funds

If you're in the mood for some insights on risk, let me share what I learned this morning when I spoke with Michael Markov, head of Markov Processes International LLC.


Money funds and floating NAVs: What it means for advisers

Autumn's first chill is yet to be felt, but a stiff breeze is blowing in the direction of the $3.5 trillion money market fund business.


Why Morgan Stanley minus Van Kampen makes sense

If I were a management consultant, I'd be getting paid big bucks for what I'm about to tell you.

  • August 19, 2009

Inside the mind of Bob Benmosche: Why AIG is keeping its B-Ds

It turns out that Bob Benmosche, the new head of American International Group, isn't selling the company's three independent broker-dealers.

  • August 12, 2009

Spending, not investing, is key to retirement

As my wife and I — and millions of other first-wave baby boomers — begin thinking seriously about income in our post-working years (and may those working years continue for years and years to come), an idea that has been floating around in my mind for a while finally has crystallized.


Cash for investment clunkers: A modest proposal

Here's a way to fix the moon-sized craters in investors' retirement portfolios: adapt the government's “cash for clunkers” program to investments.