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  • July 22, 2009

How to Increase client satisfaction

If the market decline of the past year or so has taught the investing public anything, it's that professional investment advice — whether from top Wall Street gurus, mutual fund managers or financial advisers — doesn't ensure success.


What does Wells Fargo want to be?

In what seems to be a strategic about-face, Wells Fargo & Co. has decided to turn the also-ran investment banking business of recently acquired Wachovia Securities (nee Prudential, Bache, A.G. Edwards, Wheat First, et. al.) into a major Wall Street powerhouse.


Bernie Madoff and the art of financial alchemy

Aside from, perhaps, Ruth Madoff, I don't think anyone feels Bernard Madoff's 150-year prison sentence is too severe. Most of us, in fact, would be delighted if he spent far more than a century and a half in someplace way hotter than jail.

  • June 24, 2009

Why Bernanke needs the wizard’s curtain

If so many trillions of dollars weren’t riding on it, the hoo-ha over the release of the results of the two-day meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee — expected this afternoon — would be laughable.

  • June 17, 2009

Are Obama’s financial reforms too much?

In addition to reaction from the commercial and investment bankers, insurers and money managers who are affected by…


The Crash of 2011: What if the green sprouts turn to weeds?

The current conventional wisdom is that the recession is bottoming out and a recovery, although not a particularly robust one, is on the way, but what if we're headed for another tumble?


What the new Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, GM and Lorillard have in common

If you read yesterday’s print version of The Wall Street Journal, you might have notices a thread linking the three companies mentioned in our headline: full-page ads in the paper’s main news section.

  • May 28, 2009

Making the crash bear-able

For an economic outlook as shocking as a splash of ice-cold water, no one can beat David Tice. And I have to admit, there’s something about his unalloyed gloom that appeals to me.


Why is Tim Geithner acting like Tony Soprano?

Now that spring has returned to the credit markets, and M&A bankers are again engaging in corporate mating rituals, we may be entering the next season of the Great Bank Meltdown: returning the federal bailout money.

  • May 13, 2009

Bernie Madoff’s criminal piggery and the Obama pay caps

If you didn’t see last night’s “Frontline” piece on Bernie Madoff on PBS, take a look. While the show doesn’t add much factually to what we’ve already gleaned from print coverage since December, seeing and hearing feeder-fund big shots, former SEC chairman Harvey Pitt and assorted Madoff employees and victims is quite illuminating.


Dead banks walking: Where will the $75B in capital come from?

For cryin’ out loud, let's just admit that many of the big banks are zombies.


The banking crisis and the absence of capitalists

Wall Street big shots. Professional “managers” (or, less charitably, mercenaries) these days have no allegiance to any one employer. Pay them, and they’ll run the show. Take away their lavish incentives and you’ll witness bellyaching that would put a United Auto Workers shop steward to shame.

  • April 23, 2009

Don’t mess with the fiduciary standard

Public opinion — and reason — clearly come out on the side of making the fiduciary standard the guiding principle for everyone who delivers investment advice.


Need a fund director? I’m available

An open letter to the many fund executives who read InvestmentNews: If you need a director for one of your many fund boards, please consider me. Let me tell you why I’m an excellent candidate.

  • April 8, 2009

Uncle Sam to the VA rescue

For most of us, the best alternative to a prescription sleep inducer is a discussion about insurance.


Whitman/Eveillard/Milevsky: The wisdom of humility

Those of you unable to attend InvestmentNews‘ third annual Retirement Income Summit on Monday and Tuesday missed a…

  • March 25, 2009

What if the economy can’t be fixed?

Who knows where the debt mess will lead? I don’t think that’s knowable, which is why there may not be much that can be done to fix things until we see the actual debacle unfold. And even then, I’m not so sure that there’s a magic answer.

  • March 18, 2009

Greed’s not the real issue at AIG

The outrage over the $165 million in bonuses paid by American International Group Inc. last week misses a key point.

  • March 11, 2009

Advisers got the joke about CNBC years ago

“The Daily Show’s” Jon Stewart has brought to wide public attention — in his signature snarky style — what advisers have been saying for years: much of the content on CNBC is super-hyped, useless pap.

  • March 4, 2009

Why your small ideas may be big

You can see it in many ways — the mood of the nation has changed.