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  • February 18, 2009

An immodest economic proposal: Smart streets

Some of the explanations for why the current economic downturn is more severe than other post-war recessions — and has so surprised the experts — may lie in the theories of long-dead Russian economist Nikolai Kondratieff.

  • February 11, 2009

Singing Wall Street’s new song

The times they certainly are a changin'. So tarnished is their reputation these days that Wall Streeters — from masters of the universe to back-office personnel — are loath to tell strangers where they work, if, of course, they're lucky enough to still be employed.

  • January 28, 2009

Advice for the class of ’09: Think Ponzi

Times are tough, kids. Wall Street is pretty much dead and corporate America is taking a chainsaw to its payroll. So you’ve got to go where the action is, and let me tell you, Ponzi schemes are smokin’.

  • January 21, 2009

Inside the mind of Bernie Madoff

How did a prominent Wall Street entrepreneur, known to all the powers that be in New York and Washington — including regulators — get away with what he says was a $50 billion Ponzi scheme?

  • January 14, 2009

Who wins at the new MSSB?

Here’s my prediction as to who will emerge as eventual winners in the Morgan Stanley Smith Barney joint venture: sign makers, business card printers and James Gorman, as well as a small circle of other top managers.

  • January 7, 2009

The ‘D’ word

Accuse me of being a scaremonger, an ignoramus, a member of the pinko-commie media or any other epithet that comes to mind.

  • December 31, 2008

Bold solutions for the new year

Who am I to address national problems? The same pundit who vented last week, which means you can take these ideas with less than a grain of salt, think they’re brilliant (as my parents invariably do) or mull them over and decide later.

  • December 24, 2008

Bah, humbug to the SEC, Paulson, Madoff …

I get Scrooge-like when I think of the powerful, incompetent and smug rich people who act as if they are my “betters.”

  • December 17, 2008

Madoff: The coolest guy in the room

What’s Bernie Madoff really like? Think of the coolest guy in high school — the one with a convertible, surrounded by cheerleaders.

  • December 10, 2008

Inflation or deflation?

What’s ahead for 2009 — a deflationary slump where consumers wait to buy because prices keep going down or an inflationary slump where business limps along and prices keep rising to offset the increasingly worthless dollar?

  • December 3, 2008

R-O-T-H spells opportunity

You’ve got to admit that 99.9% of the American population would consider an hour’s discussion of the intricacies of tax planning in retirement accounts about as exciting as watching cement dry. But if you’re like our adviser attendees — and there were more than a thousand of them — you find the subject fascinating.

  • November 26, 2008

Let’s still give thanks

One would have to be delusional not to recognize all the problems we face as we head into 2009. For the first time I can remember, talk of a depression is not limited to the lunatic fringe. Still, amid the gloom, this is the time of year to give thanks.

  • November 19, 2008

The Detroit solution

I’m old enough to remember the “forward look” and “extra care in engineering” themes of Chrysler in the halcyon 1950s, as well as its famed hemi-head V-8s. Now when I think of Chrysler, all that comes to mind is the transmission on our family’s 1996 Town & Country minivan that blew up after just 40,000 miles.

  • November 13, 2008

Riding the Kondratieff Wave

I’ve always had the feeling that I’d one day see the economic equivalent of the California Big One. So when I discovered the theories of Nikolai Kondratieff, I was convinced the long-dead gloomy Russian economist was onto something.

  • October 29, 2008

The Reserve Fund’s PR gaffe

The Reserve’s handling of its communications surrounding the financial problems, unfortunately, earn a grade of less than a gentleman’s “C.”

  • October 22, 2008

Wanted: A stock market guru

I’d like to help propel some willing guru-in-waiting into the limelight, so if you have nominations for Guru 2008 (think “American Idol”), tell me who and why.

  • October 15, 2008

Time to rethink financial planning

Let’s say you were a financial planner in 1926. Of course, there was no such discipline as financial planning in the Roaring ’20s.

  • October 8, 2008

Three cheers for humility

If you happened to watch Monday’s hearing of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, you saw a great example of what’s wrong with American leadership. In a word, it’s hubris.

  • September 17, 2008

Is 2008 the new 1929?

Sure, financial giants are in trouble, but many people are probably thinking, “good — those greedy #$%#!s deserve it.”

  • September 10, 2008

Lehman’s descent into the media vortex

I’ve seen this peculiar downward spiral take shape from the vantage point of a financial journalist and as a spokesman for New York-based Drexel Burnham Lambert during its last days.