
Portfolio Management

Displaying 43 results


Market volatility focuses attention back on inflation risks

The historic government spending, combined with wage pressures, could be the catalyst for runaway inflation, according to experts. The S&P 500 Index, which is still up 9.5% from the start of the year, fell by nearly 4% early this week.


Federated Hermes takes advisers to school on ESG

The company's new Responsible Investing Institute taps into the growing appeal of ESG investing by giving financial advisers a road map to building portfolios and working with clients. Beyond the courses, the curriculum also include podcasts.


Keeping ESG investment performance in perspective

After 12-month returns in the triple digits, investors got a wake-up call when ESG funds came crashing back down to earth.

  • News
  • April 16, 2021

Facet Wealth subscription model poses threat to asset-based fees

The latest challenge to advisory fee models based on client assets is carving out a niche between robos and traditional financial planning.

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  • April 12, 2021

Fund manager finds way around capital gains distributions

Huber Capital Management borrows a page from the exchange-traded fund industry to protect mutual fund investors from taxes.

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  • April 9, 2021

Are 60-40 portfolios leading investors over a cliff?

The big increase in the U.S. M1 money supply could lead to inflationary pressures that will increase risks for the fixed-income portion of a 60-40 portfolio allocation.


The ESG space must take a hard line on greenwashing

The industry is nowhere near settled on a common vernacular. The ESG space needs more clarity and writing off greenwashing is not helping anyone.


Morningstar makeover confirms I need to keep leaning on stocks

Lessons learned after letting Christine Benz analyze the way I save for retirement


Lessons from the financial experts

For advisers and their client, there is no one best way to invest

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  • October 20, 2020

New 60/40 portfolio substitutes riskier hedges for U.S. debt

Some managers are exploring other investments, ranging from options to currencies, to provide the protection that traditionally came from Treasuries

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  • September 21, 2020

How tech tools are expanding access to ESG investing

Experts from Charles Schwab, Merrill Lynch and Fidelity address how advisers can use digital tools to increase investor engagement

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  • August 19, 2020

Advisers may be struggling to adopt model portfolios

There are pros and cons to third-party marketplaces that should be considered, according to new research

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  • July 28, 2020

Invesco benches team responsible for $105 million snafu

An index rebalancing mishap has lead to the wholesale change of the portfolio management team


Schwab’s Portfolio Connect tops 1,000 users, still trails competitors

The technology only works with Schwab accounts, but it is deeply integrated with its custodian platform


Keeping clients on their path

Make sure clients keep their eye on the long view, and not let emotions pull them off course


Instead of selling in May, advisers may need to get creative

Ride the summer returns, or try some seasonal sector rotation

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  • April 21, 2020

How advisers can rebuild client portfolios

Take this opportunity to refocus the conversation from market declines to long-term goals

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  • March 23, 2020

Investing styles will take on an active approach

A bear market could lead to more hands-on investing, but advisers haven't had to beat the market in more than a decade

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  • October 17, 2019

Cerulli finds only 7% of advisers at right scale to do portfolio construction themselves

Research firm says advisory firms need at least $250 million in AUM to do proper job.


What ‘Moneyball’ can teach advisers about better portfolio construction

By focusing on market diversification, you can more easily build winning portfolios based on objective data.