
Practice Management

Displaying 518 results


In name game, firms struggle to stand out

As the ranks of independent advisory firms have swelled, so has the challenge of coming up with a unique company name

  • August 17, 2011

Becoming the leader of the pack

Business coaches love to ask advisers whether they want to be leaders or followers. Since no one wants…


Advisory firms learn how to ‘dress’ for sale success

Just like some home sellers who resort to a fresh coat of paint to enhance their home's “curb appeal,” financial advisers can take steps to help their practices sell faster and for a higher price.


People are key to making technology work

Respondents to the recent InvestmentNews RIA Technology Study overwhelmingly (95%) rated technology as either “critical” or “absolutely critical” to the success of their business


Succession planning: The answer within

Internal succession tends to be far less disruptive than other succession routes, observers said. That is because it usually takes place gradually — often over a period of years rather than months.


Three hurdles to enacting a plan

The most popular succession plan among financial advisers is to have no plan at all


Devise a playbook to stem client attrition in the face of adviser turnover

By the time the clients get a halfhearted call from someone whom they have never met, asking them to keep their business with the firm, they have already heard a much more compelling argument from someone that they are used to trusting: their adviser


Firms slam Finra’s proposal to register operations staff

Finra's proposal with the SEC to register operations staff has not gone over big in the adviser community. Here's why.


For those who dare, social media rocks

Active users -- undeterred by regulatory hurdles -- say they are attracting clients using social media. Moral of the story: don't procede at your own risk.


Winning retirement income business

You know the facts: 10,000 baby boomers are retiring each day, a significant number of pre-retirees change financial advisers within five years of retirement, and 401(k) rollovers don't necessarily wind up under the management of long-term advisers


Why broad ownership can enrich an advisory practice

Top-performing advisory firms, on average, have more than one owner, pay those owners better and seem to be getting more from those owners in terms of management skill and engagement.


Be a leader in an age of equals

A senior executive at a major PR firm recently told me that thought leadership is dead


Niches take flight

Advisers who specialize in servicing a single industry group say their narrow focus -- and greater credibility among prospects -- helps them build a more lucrative practice faster


For advisers, being creative is essential, not an option

Every financial adviser needs to be creative


What if your broker-dealer fails?

Rising legal costs, tougher regulation and strained capital resources are making broker-dealers more vulnerable than ever


Why meshing sales and marketing is important

The terms “sales” and “marketing” are used interchangeably, but they aren't the same


The importance of a continuity plan

Are you a fiduciary? Do you have a fully tested and documented continuity plan? If you answered, “yes,” to the former, you need to answer, “yes,” to the latter

  • February 27, 2011

How to create a work flow system

The mere mention of advisory practice work flow — or even thinking about how the work gets done (or doesn't) in an advisory business — is enough to cause many advisers' eyes to glaze over


Tax credit could help some firms

A new health insurance tax credit could hit some small financial advisory firms in their sweet spot — but only if they fit a specific profile


Tackling readers’ problems with CRM programs

Customer relationship management programs seem to be a hot button. My last two columns on the subject…