
Practice Management

Displaying 518 results


Are you a candidate for independence?

Many wirehouse representatives toy with the idea of going independent, but for many of them, there are several good reasons to stay put


A blizzard of publicity opportunities

Have the frigid temperatures and mountains of snow across so much of the country made you a shut-in? Are you itching to escape your home office and meet clients and prospects?

  • January 16, 2011

Bring your practice into focus

Want to find out what really is on your best clients' minds? Can their ideas improve your business?…


Advisers fret over tax plan’s effect on planning

Some financial advisers worry that the tax agreement between congressional Republicans and the White House will discourage some clients from seeking advice on estate planning.

  • December 9, 2010

Help clients make better LTC decisions

As financial professionals, we are committed to providing our clients the best possible counsel so that they can…


Reinvigorate end-of-year client reviews

Many financial professionals see client reviews solely as a time to discuss portfolio performance


More advisers try hand at running mutual funds

But the road to riches is paved with lots of obstacles, experts say


Eyeing a career move? What you need to know

Advisers continue to be on the move as the industry consolidates and repositions itself for a new era. While many advisers are choosing independence, more are making the less daunting move to another firm within the same channel


Advisers find niche deep in the Corn belt

At first glance, financial advisers seem to be about as suited for farm life as Lisa Douglas, the overdressed socialite who was dragged from her Manhattan penthouse to a farm in the hit TV show “Green Acres.”


Explaining your value as a broker

With so much lobbying and political posturing yet to unfold, it's unclear whether a universal fiduciary standard of care will be imposed for all providers of financial advice.


Cost cutting boosts appeal of domestic equities, says global fund manager

Artio's Keith Walters says a reduction in manpower has lifted the productivity and earnings of U.S. businesses


Lemonade from legislative lemons

Despite the government's best efforts, new regulations sometimes end up serving no one.


Vision statements benefit advisory firms

We are all so busy playing a variety of roles each day that it is easy to get lost, seeing only the very next tree ahead instead of the forest.


Looking at financial pros through mud-colored glasses

Having been burned by the market more than once, investors now seem to be twice as shy about handing over their hard-earned money to a new financial adviser.


Social networking is here to stay

This year, while I was organizing a mission trip to Mississippi for teens and adults, I sent out weekly e-mails with up-dates on our travel plans.


What makes your firm so special?

Pop quiz: Who are you? What do you do? And why is it important? In other words, why…

  • August 22, 2010

Maintaining your good reputation

It is tough to watch the evening news and see someone you know, or someone whose products you…


Wealth management woes? Try these fixes

Many wealth managers get into the business with confidence and high hopes, envisioning that intelligence, ambition and devoted customer service will prevail.


Do your homework before starting a newsletter

Newsletters are a great way for financial advisers to stay connected to clients, but they may also bring…


The benefits of a ‘naked’ approach to clients

Many years ago, I developed an approach to consulting — one that we have used in my firm for the past dozen years. It is called naked consulting, and yes, it is as much fun as it sounds.