
Prime Numbers

Displaying 51 results


Industry trade groups flex lobbying muscles

As improved life expectancy stretches the retirement timeline for 76 million baby boomers, the insurance industry is hoping…


Demonstrations point to growing cynicism among future investors

Protesters in the Occupy Wall Street movement are giving financial advisers something else to worry about: a generation of leery, cynical investors


Volatility proves fertile for tactical strategists

Advisers using tactical investment strategies say the latest market drop confirms that their active approaches are right for…


Pre-retirees are concerned but they aren’t panicking

Pre-retiree investors may not be enjoying the hair-raising stock market roller coaster, but they aren't screaming to get…


Broker-dealers brace for lower trading volumes

In the wake of last week's fear-inducing market tumult, small and midsize broker-dealers are bracing for reduced trading volumes in the months ahead, which will squeeze already tight margins and could push some out of business.


Insurers on more solid footing this time

If the market continues to sink, investors and policyholders can feel more confident about the financial wherewithal of…


As clients dial up risk, advisers feel the heat

Few things rattle Rich Zito. Recently, however, he has begun getting nervous as some of his most…


Emerging-markets equity up against capacity wall

As many as half of the most sought-after emerging-markets-equity managers have closed their strategies, many at the end…

  • November 8, 2010

‘Jury still out’ on gridlock’s effect on economy

The financial markets breathed a collective sigh of relief following last week's midterm elections, as the GOP took control of the House of Representatives.


SEC may crack down on high-frequency traders

The Securities and Exchange Commission may impose buy-and-sell obligations on electronic-trading firms and other “high-frequency” proprietary-trading firms that now represent more than 50% of daily stock trading volume.


ETF providers want to curb market orders

ETF providers are lobbying for tighter restrictions on market orders as regulators consider additional rules to avert another “flash crash.”


Financial services stocks still look ugly

It is tough to find a stock analyst or money manager with positive things to say about the financial services industry these days.


Market volatility hasn’t increased, research shows

Talk about the stock market’s being more volatile than ever is unfounded, according to a white paper from…


Yield-hungry investors look to emerging markets

Put off by the paltry yields on Treasuries, many investors are turning to emerging-markets sovereign debt for better returns.


Janus plans global push into fixed-income funds

Janus Capital Group Inc. wants a bigger share of the red-hot bond market.

  • News
  • August 17, 2010

Tea Party may hold key to second-half market rally

Growing dissatisfaction among conservatives and independents with President Barack Obama before this year's midterm elections is good news for stock investors if history is any guide.


Money managers see pay dirt in oil crisis

As a result of BP PLC's oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, many money managers see a…

  • July 6, 2010

Dennis Stattman: Japan looks promising

Dennis Stattman is a senior portfolio manager of the BlackRock Global Allocation Fund.


Finra plan to increase power draws ire

Brokerage firms are howling over a far-reaching proposal that would give Finra substantially more power.


Wall Street slams Obama’s bank proposals

Financial services industry groups and Republican lawmakers last week criticized President Barack Obama’s plan to rein in bank…