

Displaying 5 results


War for talent the next battleground

Market performance has hidden the fact organic growth has stalled, leaving top advisor talent at a premium.


Tracking down the NextGen stars

InvestmentNews flies into the financial universe to find out what skills companies are looking for in young advisors and where they're finding them.


Use tools to avoid hiring a team of mini-mes

A thriving organization, whether it’s a three-person team or large firm, is one made up with people who have complementary strengths and abilities.


Wirehouses to continue bleeding advisors in 2024 

As the migration to independent broker-dealers and RIAs continues, concerns about the Big Four’s compensation plans may be contributing to the outflow.

  • News
  • November 24, 2023

Barclays could axe 2,000 jobs in $1.3B cost saving, says Reuters

Global banking group will share a new strategy with investors early in 2024.