
Regulatory Moves

Displaying 522 results

  • July 14, 2011

DOL: Considering extending fee disclosure deadlines

The Department of Labor is considering extending the effective dates for implementing rules for fee disclosures to ERISA…

  • July 6, 2011

FINRA: Extending exemptions from reporting, record keeping proposed

Finra filed with the SEC a proposed rule change to amend Finra Rule 7470 to extend for four…

  • July 6, 2011

SEC: Increase in trading activity fee okayed

The SEC approved a Finra proposal to increase the trading-activity-fee rate for the sales of covered equity securities…

  • July 6, 2011

SEC: Tougher broker-dealer custody reporting

The SEC proposed amendments to the broker-dealer reporting rule on June 15 that would give the agency a…

  • July 6, 2011

SEC: New license approved for broker operations staff

The SEC on June 16 approved a plan by the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. that will create…

  • July 6, 2011

SEC: Adviser ‘switch’ delayed to June 28

The SEC made official the delay of the so-called adviser “switch.” Under the Dodd-Frank financial reform law, the…

  • July 6, 2011

LEGISLATION: Covered bonds, private-fund-registration exemption approved by House committee

A measure that would facilitate the use of covered bonds in the U.S. market,…

  • July 6, 2011

FINRA: Surveying advisers on job duties to update exams begins

Starting June 30, the Finra began conducting surveys of advisers in order to gather information to update the…

  • June 28, 2011

FINRA: Brokers should have to disclose ‘shelf space’

Finra filed a rule change with the SEC that would make broker-dealers disclose the revenue-sharing deals they have…

  • June 3, 2011

SEC: Proposal would boost net-worth levels for charging clients performance fees

The SEC proposed a rule that would raise the net-worth threshold at which advisers can charge performance-based fees…

  • June 1, 2011

LABOR DEPARTMENT: Fiduciary definition final rule due

A Labor Department proposal that would expand the definition of who is considered a fiduciary for retirement plans…

  • June 1, 2011

SEC: Credit ratings would need better grades

The SEC proposed new rules that seek to boost the transparency and integrity of credit ratings. The changes…

  • May 4, 2011

FINRA: Boosting the trading-activity fee

Finra is seeking to increase the fees it charges for trading activity in equity securities. For more information,…

  • May 4, 2011

FINRA: Seeking an extension of the date for expanding Order Audit Trail System

Finra is asking the Securities and Exchange Commission for permission to set an Oct. 3 deadline for expanding…

  • May 4, 2011

FINRA: Reminding firms to be careful with low-priced equity securities

Finra has provided guidance for brokerage firms on including low-priced equities in customer margin and firm proprietary accounts.

  • May 4, 2011

FINRA: Clarifying margin requirements

Finra has clarified rules surrounding how much margin a customer must put up to buy a non-margin-eligible equity…

  • May 4, 2011

FINRA: Revising discovery rules

Finra has revised its rules for gathering information in customer arbitration proceedings. The agency has streamlined 14 lists…

  • May 4, 2011

FINRA: SEC approves Finra rule on books and records

The SEC has approved Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. rules that require member firms to keep compliance records…

  • May 4, 2011

SEC: Agency seeks comments on financial literacy

The SEC is seeking public input to assess investor education programs. The study, mandated by the Dodd-Frank financial…

  • May 4, 2011

SEC: Removing credit ratings references

The Securities and Exchange Commission proposed removing all references to credit ratings in the so-called net capital rule…