
Retirement Income

Displaying 102 results


Retirees spend twice as much when they have guaranteed income, research finds

Most people don't plan bequests and many unnecessarily cut back on discretionary spending in retirement, according to a paper from an industry group.

  • News
  • June 24, 2024

With 10 years to go, near-retirees have a shot to avert the midlife retirement crisis

Prudential Life says there’s hope for 55-year-olds even as trends of inflation, disappearing DB pensions and “silver squatters” wear on.

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  • June 21, 2024

Most boomers content in retirement, but Social Security dependence is still real

Survey of retired Baby Boomers unpacks ongoing retirement income reliance, significant financial stress, and intentions for inheritance.

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  • June 20, 2024

Wealth tech firm MyVest strikes retirement income partnership

The fintech integration aims to close the planning-execution gap with tax-optimized withdrawal recommendations, among other features.

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  • June 18, 2024

Future Capital helps advisors break the 401(k) planning barrier

The RIA’s new solution aims to help advisors make their planning more holistic by considering held-away 401(k) assets.

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  • June 13, 2024

State Street adds a lifetime income twist to its target date funds

Addressing workers’ concerns for early retirement, the new offering updates an existing index-based solution with the option of going into an annuity.

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  • June 11, 2024

DC plan sponsors are turning their attention to retirement income

New PIMCO study underscores trends in non-guaranteed income solutions, QDIAs, and diverging approaches to address retirees' needs.


US individual annuities see record-breaking first quarter, says Limra

Latest survey reveals all-time high of $106.7B in Q1 sales, with winning streaks in fixed-rate deferred annuities, FIAs, and RILAs.


Do DC managed account programs have a PR problem?

Despite their benefits for 401(k) participants, especially financial advice, Cerulli research finds a lack of awareness is holding back broader adoption.


How much of an income edge could retirees get from annuities?

With 'new North Star' metric, TIAA urges new retirees to rethink 4 percent rule and incorporate a lifetime income strategy.


For retirement-age investors, it’s about keeping their nest eggs safe

Survey of pre-retirees and retirees reveals a major focus on capital protection, with a strong preference for stability and guaranteed income.

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  • April 4, 2024

PGIM unveils new retirement spending funds

The asset-allocation solutions are designed to address investors’ varying risk tolerances and retirement income needs.

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  • March 25, 2024

BofA rolls out retirement income portfolios

The products, available to Merrill's clients, are designed to provide retirees with reliable income over 25 years.

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  • March 22, 2024

Empower unveils comprehensive retirement income suite

The DC plan provider is rolling out an expansive shelf of retirement solutions through multiple partnerships.

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  • March 19, 2024

Why pre-retirees with a plan are better off in retirement

T. Rowe Price report reinforces benefits of formal financial planning on retirement wealth, confidence, and more for 401(k) participants.

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  • March 6, 2024

Tax hike alone won’t save Social Security, think tank warns

Proposed bill to raise taxes on high earners isn’t enough to fix program's brewing solvency challenge, according to new report.

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  • February 27, 2024

Showing how good or bad luck shapes retirement lifestyles

IncomePath software from Tamiko Toland and Michael Finke was inspired by the work of William Sharpe.

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  • February 21, 2024

NAPA launches pioneering retirement income program for advisors

First-of-its-kind course aims to help advisors articulate the value of retirement income solutions to complement 401(k) plans.

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  • February 19, 2024

Social Security fixes include raising retirement age, taxable income cap: Conference Board

Report from policy think tank details the program's financial problems and suggests a number of reforms.

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  • February 14, 2024

Retirement income literacy lacking among older Americans

The study exposes demographic fault lines in financial knowledge, with advised individuals scoring higher on several fronts.