
retirement savings

Displaying 9 results


One-third of healthcare workers aren’t confident about retirement

Despite 91 percent being in a workplace savings plan, uncertainty over saving, debt, and other issues are making healthcare employees doubtful.

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  • June 25, 2024

SageView teams up with Transamerica on pooled retirement plan solutions

The independent RIA is helping more employers offer retirement benefits with cost-effective 401(k) and PEP plan options.

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  • April 4, 2024

Watch your step, advisors! It’s your job to ‘mind’ the retirement gap

'Regularly reviewing your finances with a financial professional can help increase the chances of meeting retirement goals,' an advisor says.

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  • April 3, 2024

‘Magic number’ of $1.5M for retirement? Advisors say no

Setting goals as a percentage of income is smarter, as a big-figure target may not be reliable and can discourage people, advisors said.

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  • April 1, 2024

Washington governor signs auto-IRA legislation

The Washington Saves program, which will take effect in 2027, extends a lifeline for millions of workers facing retirement readiness crisis.

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  • March 5, 2024

SECURE 2.0 Saver’s Match could help 21.9M Americans

Using federal tax data, EBRI offers a ‘starting point’ to estimate the retirement program’s impact on lower-income workers when it starts in 2027.

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  • February 28, 2024

Retirement savers finished 2023 on a high note, Fidelity says

Three-quarters of eligible workers made contributions to their accounts amid near-universal inclusion of Roth options in workplace savings plans.

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  • February 15, 2024

DOL retirement security rule would be ‘disastrous,’ GOP rep says

Democrats at a House hearing say the retirement rule will ensure workers, retirees and retirement plan sponsors receive advice that is in their best interest.

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  • February 2, 2024

Racial divides in retirement readiness exposed in new report

Survey data point to demographic disparities in retirement savings, confidence, and awareness.