

Displaying 279 results


Big change coming soon for high income Medicare beneficiaries

Buried in the new “Doc Fix” law are provisions that will adversely affect some folks on Medicare


COBRA considerations when Medicare-eligible

Clients may not realize the need to combine them


Friends are OK, as we cruise toward retirement

Author conducts her own focus group among peers.

  • News
  • April 15, 2015

Affluent retirees flock to The Villages, fastest-growing metro area

This Florida retirement destination has a carefree lifestyle and lots and lots of golf carts.


Nearly half of retirees wish they had retired earlier

But savings gap may force future retirees to work longer.


Discover your own freedom threshold in retirement

Downsizing is a myth, one study finds: A third of retirees bought bigger houses.

  • News
  • February 4, 2015

Ed Slott, Ed Slott & Co.

Slott built a niche for himself by mastering the intricacies of individual retirement accounts and explaining them to others.

  • News
  • October 12, 2014

Inflation, rates and retirement income: A primer

Economist Robert J. Froehlich runs down the outlook


Dispatch from the retirement front

InvestmentNews contributing editor gives an update on how life has changed since her husband retired.


Five pieces of good news about retirement

Take a break from the worry and self-flagellation to enjoy the brighter horizon ahead.


How long must clients be married to collect Social Security on each other? It depends

Rules differ for those currently married, widows/widowers and the divorced

  • News
  • March 26, 2014

Retirement confidence edges up from record lows

Annual EBRI survey credits higher stock, home values.


Mary Beth Franklin: Does LTC insurance still make sense?

Costs for long-term-care insurance are headed for the stratosphere. Mary Beth Franklin says alternative strategies may be a better deal for some clients.


On retirement policy, don’t mess with success

To start scrapping savings incentives would undermine the foundation of our retirement system, risking wider damage


Mary Beth Franklin: Talk health care to clients — or lose them

New survey shows few advisers are confident discussing medical costs; big price for ignoring the topic


Centralizing retirement accounts

Investors and financial advisers often speak different languages when it comes to retirement income. Most advisers are preoccupied…

  • News
  • November 9, 2010

Retirement agenda set to take a backseat in gridlocked Congress

The split in control of Congress means that legislative gridlock will shift the lead on pension issues to executive-branch agencies over next two years, pension industry lobbyists said.


Helping retired clients get back to work

Many of your retired clients are discovering that their accumulated savings are insufficient to meet their current expenses, which translates into a need for more retirement income.


Fast Track: GoldK, out to tap adviser vein, hires a veteran from Putnam

For those financial advisers who haven’t yet realized it, there is gold in the 401(k) marketplace. At least…