

Displaying 279 results


INmail: Increase in grandson’s dependent benefit should be automatic

The grandson is entitled to dependent benefits until he turns 18 or 19 if he is still in high school.


INmail: Step-up to larger spousal benefit is automatic

Although retirement benefits earn delayed credits for every year a worker postpones claiming them up until age 70, spousal benefits do not.

  • News
  • September 15, 2020

Early estimate puts 2021 Social Security COLA at 1.3 percent

That adjustment for next year would be small, but higher than previously expected


INmail: Claiming early nixes switching to spousal benefits

Unfortunately, clients can’t switch to a spousal benefit and allow their own retirement benefit to continue to grow until 70 for a few reasons.

  • News
  • September 11, 2020

Pandemic’s financial, emotional toll prompts early retirements

Stress, employment concerns and market jitters have clients asking whether they are in good shape to stop working


Impact of raising the Social Security taxable wage base

Taxing more earnings would improve the finances of the Social Security trust fund; it might also boost benefits

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  • September 10, 2020

Q&A: WealthConductor CEO Sheryl O’Connor

The fintech's leader talks retirement savings software in the age of COVID-19 and what the industry lacks in gender equality

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  • September 9, 2020

People of color feel ready for retirement but may not be, study finds

Allianz says their potential misinterpretation of the situation may put retirement at risk


Reframing Social Security claiming decisions

Focusing on benefit size rather than claiming age can improve outcomes

  • News
  • September 3, 2020

COVID-19 leads some to say they will work in retirement: Survey

Most people have not stopped saving for retirement, but more are saying they will stay on the job past the traditional retirement age


Why ROI is the wrong metric for guaranteed income

Comparing annuities to traditional assets and focusing on rates of return undermines the value they provide


INmail: Navigating Social Security benefits and public employee offsets

Public employees in about a dozen states, as well as federal employees under the old Civil Service Retirement System, do not participate in Social Security and are not subject to payroll taxes.

  • News
  • August 31, 2020

GAO wants better benefits information for divorced spouses

Report says the Labor Department's information about claiming retirement benefits may be insufficient


INmail: Bad information on survivor benefits

If a client has remarried after a divorce, they may still be eligible for divorced widow benefits when the first spouse dies.


Advisers can shine a light on the darkness of 2020

Financial advisers are ideally situated to help clients talk through the unforeseen challenges a global pandemic brings

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  • August 21, 2020

DOL schedules hearing on investment advice proposal

The session is slated for Sept. 3 following pressure from Democratic lawmakers and investor advocates

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  • August 19, 2020

Here’s how COVID-19 could test the value of ESOPs

Employee ownership plans correlate with higher income and better retention, and companies with such plans are likely doing better than others right now, according to an ESOP group


3 tips on building recession-ready retirement income plans

Advisers need to help clients understand that the question isn’t whether the markets will drop, it’s when and how far

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  • August 18, 2020

One PEP for all clients: Retirement Income Summit day four

The Secure Act provides numerous opportunities for advisers, and annuities are part of that, panelists said

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  • August 17, 2020

Virus spurs retirement resets, but what about Social Security?

Pandemic complicates Social Security claiming strategies in 2020, Mary Beth Franklin says