

Displaying 279 results


Client anxiety about retirement planning escalates

Survey shows 93% of advisers say clients have contacted them with concerns about their retirement plans

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  • April 9, 2020

Near-retirees drain TDFs at a rapid clip

People within 15 years of retirement emptied target-date funds of a net $9.4 billion in March, according to Morningstar


Pandemic prompts some to rethink Social Security claiming strategy

Concerns about shrinking portfolios, lost jobs may accelerate claims


Current crisis could damage retirement security in long run

Markets and the economy seem to be conspiring to shrink nest eggs

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  • April 1, 2020

401(k) provider facilitates COVID-19 withdrawals and loans

Voya Financial will rebate certain fees related to early withdrawals and loans through September


Stimulus package has helpful provisions for retirees

One-time rebate checks, relaxed rules on required minimum distributions and changes in tax filing deadlines are all pluses


Advisers needed as Congress paves the way for selling low

Unless clients are in dire circumstances, tapping retirement assets now is a losing strategy

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  • March 25, 2020

Senate coronavirus stimulus bill waives RMDs this year

The final measure also makes it easier to withdraw funds from retirement accounts in an emergency


Retirement relief Congress should consider now

People with retirement accounts have seen losses through no fault of their own and they need a helping hand


Recession could hit Social Security financial outlook

The likelihood that people will file for benefits sooner amid a downturn and the possible decline in payroll tax revenue could put pressure on the Social Security trust fund


Dispatch from my bunker

Here's how I'm coping during the pandemic. I'm asking InvestmentNews readers to share their stories of how they're coping

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  • March 20, 2020

Senate coronavirus package would allow hardship early access to retirement accounts

Financial industry also pushes for temporary waiver on required minimum distributions

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  • March 18, 2020

Roth conversions ‘on sale’ and other retirement advice amid the market crash

People near retirement are the most at risk from the sell-off, and advisers have several recommendations for them


Singles, survivors most affected by Medicare surcharges

Roth conversions can help reduce clients' health care costs and taxes, given the impact that required minimum distributions can have on Medicare premiums

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  • March 11, 2020

Auto-IRA floated in Colorado

The state is one of a number that have considered or adopted a public savings system for private-sector workers who don't have access to employer-sponsored retirement plans


Fears over market drop could cause some to postpone retirement

Survey of those nearing retirement shows many would opt to work longer


Women and retirement preparedness

As International Women's Day approaches this Sunday, female investors continue to face challenges related to longevity and lower lifetime earnings

  • News
  • March 3, 2020

Mark Tibergien retiring from Pershing’s RIA custody business

Pershing's custody assets grew from $50 billion in 2010 to $822 billion at the end of last year


The new essential

By addressing clients’ health and aging, advisers can prove their value as rising health care costs threaten the security of retirement accounts


Social Security and survivor benefits

Widows and widowers have multiple claiming options