
Reverse Spin

Displaying 29 results

  • September 4, 2007

Mad rush for the door seen as unlikely

Perhaps brokers and branch managers at wirehouse offices should have taken a good look around the office last Friday before leaving for the Labor Day weekend. Such long weekends traditionally give brokers a precious extra day to prepare to move and contact clients if the broker decides to bolt to another firm.

  • August 27, 2007

This sugar pill is quite hard to swallow

Talk about trying to make lemonade out of lemons. On Wednesday, two days after the Securities and…

  • August 20, 2007

Brother, can you spare a billion?

Yes, even exalted Goldman Sachs & Co. Inc. can make big mistakes. The New York-based financial powerhouse…

  • August 13, 2007

Reuters rolling out a website for advisers

Do advisers really need another “community” website? Reuters, the giant London-based news and information company, thinks they do.

  • August 6, 2007

Senator knows where his croissant is buttered

The New York Times headline said it all: “In Opposing Tax Plan, Schumer Supports Wall Street Over Party.” That’s right, when it came to defending a soak-the-rich tax proposal opposed by his well-heeled financial industry constituents, Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., uber-liberal and scourge of red meat/red state conservatives, melted faster than an ice cream cone in August.

  • July 23, 2007

SRO shorthand stirs up acrimony

What’s in an acronym? Plenty, it turns out. Things started innocently enough following the merger of…

  • July 16, 2007

Private-equity tax debate heats up

Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards and billionaire buyout king Henry Kravis last week staked out dramatically opposing…

  • July 9, 2007

Alternatives IPO bandwagon is rolling

Possible tax hikes and stagnant stock price movement aside, hedge funds and private-equity funds continue to beat a path to the public markets.

  • June 25, 2007

There is such a thing as bad publicity

As evidenced by his firm’s non-stop barrage of ads and direct mailings, as well as his own numerous books and interviews with the media, Kenneth Fisher, chairman and chief executive of San Francisco-based Fisher Investments, is hardly publicity shy.

  • June 18, 2007

Uh, better make those soft-shell crabs

It certainly was a roller coaster week for Stephen Schwarzman and his colleagues at Blackstone Group LP, the…

  • June 11, 2007

Inflation emerges as early summer scare

Inflation clearly was the keyword of the week, as fears of rising prices sent stocks tumbling and forced pundits to try to explain it all.

  • June 4, 2007

Taking high road to investment gains

Investing is well known for having countless metrics, but let’s face it: Adviser morality and integrity were never up there with capital gains or yield.

  • May 29, 2007

Year-end bonuses look good for Wall St.

A healthy stock market and the frenzy in deal making driven by private equity should result in Wall…

  • May 21, 2007

Private equity flexes muscles, takes lumps

Private equity hogged the financial-news spotlight last week, starting with the precedent-shattering Chrysler Group deal, which saw…

  • May 14, 2007

Local hot spots boost real estate market

If all politics is local, last week confirmed that the same is true of real estate. Nationally, there…

  • May 7, 2007

Hedge managers may need Spidey’s powers

With great salaries come great adverse possibilities. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York issued a statement…

  • April 30, 2007

Rallying cry – debate over market direction

Last week’s impressive stock market rally, while welcomed, also prompted questions about its staying power and the seeming…

  • April 23, 2007

Hedge fund heyday – bigger is better

Thinking about starting a hedge fund? It sure seems like the timing is right, considering the record…

  • April 16, 2007

Costs cut, Citi now may consider sales

The cost cutting at New York-based Citigroup Inc. last week certainly was painful but hardly unexpected.

  • April 9, 2007

Taxing charges for Jackson Hewitt

There must have been an awful lot of hardworking, honest accountants and financial advisers out there who experienced more than a little schadenfreude last week when the Department of Justice charged a number of Jackson Hewitt Tax Service Inc. sites with “pervasive fraud” that it said caused more than $70 million in combined losses in federal tax revenue.