

Displaying 193 results


Mapping a momentous shift in adviser geography

With technology allowing advisers to serve clients from almost anywhere, what’s stopping them from relocating their whole operation to greener pastures?

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  • October 8, 2020

Low-cost VA for RIAs introduced by RetireOne and Protective

The variable annuity product has mortality and expense fees of 30 basis points

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  • October 2, 2020

Will RIAs adapt fast enough to compete? Joe Duran, Michael Kitces debate

The industry icons expressed differing views on the future of advice during InvestmentNews’ FinTech Virtual Summit

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  • October 2, 2020

Third-quarter RIA deals break a record

Transactions during the quarter totaled 55, with many involving ‘professional’ buyers, Echelon reports

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  • September 30, 2020

Forget the F-word — RIAs play down fiduciary standard online

A review of 45 fee-only advisers by the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard shows only 14 of them mention the term on their website homepages

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  • September 23, 2020

B-Ds may be more likely to recommend complex products than RIAs

The NASAA report analyzed the results of a benchmarking exam taken prior to implementation of Reg BI

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  • September 22, 2020

Trio managing $421 million at Oppenheimer launch RIA

The newly minted advisory firm, Oxler Private Wealth, has chosen Pershing as its custodian

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  • September 17, 2020

Small RIAs delay succession planning during pandemic: DeVoe survey

Confidence has increased among respondents that the next generation can afford to buy firms

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  • September 16, 2020

OpenInvest launches ESG reporting software

Advisers will have an easier time exposing clients to companies that meet customizable environmental, social and governance guidelines


How our response to the pandemic created a better normal

Robust communication encouraged our clients to continue with their investment strategies

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  • August 12, 2020

RIA buyers see the consolidators consolidating

Executives from Carson Group, Creative Planning, Hightower, Sanctuary Wealth and Thrivent say M&A is here to stay

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  • August 5, 2020

Mercer acquires $130 million RIA

Summit Wealth Advisors is based in Frisco, Colorado

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  • July 30, 2020

Fastest growing RIAs embrace tech at higher rates: Schwab

Digital signatures and virtual client meetings were the most adopted technologies, according to the study

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  • July 28, 2020

Hightower acquires stake in $3.3 billion RIA

Adding Frontier Investment Management brings the firm's total AUM to $56.7 billion


The hunt for mega RIAs

Independent advisers are enjoying the attention of Wall Street, where some big banks are focused on acquiring privately held assets

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  • July 14, 2020

Creative Planning acquires $600 million RIA

Thun Financial Advisors specialize in serving U.S. citizens who live overseas

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  • July 14, 2020

After a choppy start, RIA M&A regains momentum in 2020

More and larger deals suggests the second half could reach record levels


Mercer notches third acquisition in 5 weeks

The purchase of Denver-based M.J. Smith and Associates was partially driven by the need for a succession plan


Midwest megamerger creates $6.5 billion RIA

The combination of FormulaFolios and Brookstone brings together approximately 800 advisers operating in all 50 states, with more than 500 offices


COVID-19 tamps down pace of RIA consolidation

Deal activity is expected to pick up steam in the second half of the year