

Displaying 193 results


Mercer acquires $554 million RIA

ClearRock Capital marks the second acquisition for the advisory firm this week


TD Ameritrade says brokers are running out of reasons not to go independent

The semiannual study shows the breakaway trend is increasingly gaining steam

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  • June 23, 2020

Cary Street Partners to acquire $215 million RIA

Waypoint Advisors in Virginia Beach, Va., will join the Richmond-based firm

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  • June 18, 2020

UBS team managing $400 million creates RIA

Interchange Capital Partners in Pittsburgh, Pa., will use Pershing and Dynasty Financial Partners

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  • June 18, 2020

Carson Wealth affiliate acquires $126 million RIA

Boston-area RIA Atlantic Capital Management has been bought by Andrew Nigrelli

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  • June 16, 2020

TD Ameritrade applies ‘dating app’ innovation to RIA M&A

Critics of the new platform wonder if the anonymous nature of the interactions will work for personalized deals


RIAs may be heading for a ‘succession planning crisis’

Advisers are not planning for a transition in leadership despite a lack of confidence in the next generation, according to new research


Cash reigns as king in RIA M&A deals

The trend is expected to continue through the year as buyers' appetite for certainty outweighs cost of capital


RIAs taking PPP loans is not so black and white

Some in the industry are questioning whether it's appropriate for advisers to accept these forgivable loans


Battle of the business models

RIAs keep gaining, while small broker-dealers are feeling increased pressure from the pandemic as well as the need to comply with Reg BI


Reporting technology for RIAs

As breakaways build their tech stack, the reporting provider serves as a 'hub' through which data flows to the firm's back-office infrastructure


Battle lines drawn over RIAs taking PPP loans

Critics challenge the morality of fee-based advisers taking government bailout money


UBS team managing $330 million forms RIA

Three advisers form TriaGen Wealth Management in Calabasas, Calif.


Buckingham to acquire $424 million RIA

Founder of RNP Advisory Services has had long-time ties to Buckingham

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  • April 30, 2020

Should advisers cut fees to help clients during COVID-19?

Some firms are waiving or reducing fees for clients who have been financially affected by the current crisis

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  • April 30, 2020

Strongest RIAs managed for growth during the financial crisis: TD study

The owners of standout firms took pay cuts, but kept investing in the business

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  • April 16, 2020

Mariner partners with Dynasty to launch platform for breakaway brokers

Advisers joining the platform will run independent businesses with middle- and back-office support

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  • April 13, 2020

Creative Planning’s Mallouk challenges industry to protect employees

The RIA pledges no layoffs or pay cuts resulting from economic fallout from COVID-19

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  • April 13, 2020

RIA consolidation drags during COVID-19

Merger and acquisition activity slowed from the record-level pace of the past several years

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  • April 6, 2020

SEC reaches $35 million settlement with International Investment Group

Former RIA agrees to pay disgorgement over alleged sales of fake loan assets