
Securities and Exchange Commission

Displaying 3266 results

  • News
  • February 2, 2021

Financial Services Institute defends Reg BI under new administration

Fiduciary advocates are pressing the Securities and Exchange Commission to overhaul the measure. FSI and other industry groups will lobby to keep it intact.

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  • February 1, 2021

Finra zeroes in on online brokerage apps

The broker-dealer self-regulator cited a surge of new retail investors entering the markets via online platforms, which has led to a spike in more sophisticated kinds of trading, such as options.

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  • January 29, 2021

SEC vows to act on potential manipulation during trading surge

Market volatility related to a surge in trading of shorted stocks has drawn the attention of regulators and lawmakers. But it’s not clear whether there's a role for them to play.

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  • January 28, 2021

Fiduciary advocates urge SEC to rename Reg BI, eliminate broker conflicts

In addition changing Reg BI's nomenclature, the Institute for the Fiduciary Standard called for eliminating some broker conflicts of interest, such as compensation incentives for product sales, revising the disclosure Form CRS and clarifying that investment advisers must avoid conflicts of interest rather than just disclosing them.

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  • January 27, 2021

Experts anticipate SEC probe of GameStop trading fluctuations

The agency is likely parsing the activity to see if there’s deliberate manipulation or collateral effects more broadly on stock prices. Shares of the video game and consumer electronics retailer soared 93% on Tuesday and are up more than eightfold for the month.

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  • January 26, 2021

Regulators, investor advocates warn against deregulating private markets

As the Biden administration and lawmakers begin negotiations over President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief proposal, state regulators are concerned that private-market deregulation could become a bargaining chip.


Dramatic changes to legislation seem unlikely despite full Democratic control

An evenly divided Senate might tweak rather than overhaul investment-advice policy, such as the treatment of rollovers, while resisting some tax increases Biden advocated during the election.

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  • January 21, 2021

Trump pardons provide leniency in cases involving investor harm

Such pardons don’t sit well with securities attorneys, who say they contradict the mission of regulators and send the wrong message to perpetrators.

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  • January 20, 2021

Biden signals administration will review DOL ESG rule

Hours before President Joseph Biden was inaugurated at the U.S. Capitol, the Biden transition team released a list of more than 100 Trump regulations approved since 2017 that it intends to revisit.

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  • January 19, 2021

Gensler expected to put teeth in Reg BI — not overturn it

A former chairman of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission, former Treasury Department official and former Goldman Sachs executive, Gensler has developed a reputation as a tough regulator who also was a successful leader on Wall Street.

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  • January 8, 2021

Critics say Finra proposal to rein in rogues falls short

Under the measure, which the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. first released in May 2019, the broker-dealer self-regulator would use numeric thresholds for regulatory disclosures to identify firms that pose a heightened risk to investors.


Robinhood exec walks through regulatory revolving door

The online trading platform’s popularity has skyrocketed over the last several months, but its fast growth has also generated increased regulatory scrutiny

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  • January 4, 2021

Momentum picks up for state-level best interest rule on annuity sales

Arkansas and Michigan become the latest states to adopt the National Association of Insurance Commissioners model rule

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  • December 30, 2020

Finra obtains $2.7 million in restitution related to 529 share-class initiative

Morgan Stanley’s $1.7 million settlement highlights remedies for excessive fees

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  • December 23, 2020

SEC’s amped-up oversight of complex financial products expected to continue under Biden

Agency says advisers, brokers must apply ‘heightened scrutiny’ to sales of risky ETPs

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  • December 22, 2020

SEC approves rule to allow testimonials in advertising

Revision of the advertising rule in place since 1961 reflects technological advances like social media marketing, according to the regulator

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  • December 22, 2020

Scaramucci to launch SkyBridge Bitcoin fund

The new fund designed for wealthy investors will be seeded with $20 million

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  • December 22, 2020

SEC slams Voya Financial with $23 million penalty for conflicts at RIA

The conflicts of interest ranged from 12b-1 fees to cash sweep accounts to alternative investments

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  • December 21, 2020

SEC warns of tougher Reg BI exams next year

The agency will ‘conduct enhanced transaction testing’ to see if firms are acting in customers’ best interests

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  • December 21, 2020

Finra hits Transamerica with $8.8 million sanction

The settlement includes $4.4 million in restitutions to harmed customers over the sales of unsuitable VA, mutual fund and 529 products