
Securities and Exchange Commission

Displaying 3266 results

  • News
  • June 12, 2018

SEC best-interest proposal doesn’t affect 401(k) brokers

The proposed best-interest standard applies only to 'retail customers,' a definition that seems to omit broker recommendations to retirement plans. RIAs, though, are still on the hook.

  • June 12, 2018

SEC advice rule concerns raised by Schwab, AARP

For different reasons, each says client-relationship-summary disclosure is flawed.

  • June 11, 2018

Clock ticking for RIAs to self-report sales of high-fee mutual fund share classes

SEC offers favorable settlement terms through Monday to investment advisers who acknowledge they didn't use the lower-fee option available in a fund.


SEC bars New Jersey RIA over securities, adviser fraud

Larry Werbel had pleaded guilty to receiving kickbacks for touting stock.


Does the SEC really need to define ‘best interest’?

Now's the time for brokers and advisers to weigh in.


Advisers encourage investors to take fiduciary into their own hands

Committee for the Fiduciary Standard tells public to demand their financial advisers sign an oath.


Cyber assailants targeted in important new security sweep

The skill and sophistication of attackers are often outpacing firms' ability to protect themselves.

  • June 7, 2018

Financial planners push to add restrictions on use of term in SEC advice proposal

Financial Planning Association sends 85 members to Capitol Hill.


Hurry up and kill the DOL fiduciary rule already, insurance groups tell 5th Circuit

ACLI, NAIFA say delay in issuing mandate causing 'palpable uncertainty' for industry.


Regulators gunning for brokers and advisers who sold $1.2 billion Ponzi

Finra and at least one state agency have taken disciplinary action against two brokers and an adviser involved in the Woodbridge real estate scheme.

  • June 6, 2018

Advisers urged to resist ‘fiduciary fatigue’

It will likely be another 12 months before the SEC's investment-advice rule takes shape: expert

  • June 5, 2018

Clayton promises ‘not to take forever’ on SEC advice rule

Following Capitol Hill testimony, top regulator declines to say whether he will extend comment deadline on proposed reform package.


SEC approves paperless mutual-fund reports

Online delivery will become default method for shareholder document delivery.

  • June 4, 2018

New SEC nominee could become decisive vote on investment advice proposal

Trump administration taps Senate aide to fill departing commissioner Piwowar's seat.


New York RIA to pay $8 million to SEC in settlement

Agency says deVere USA and two former managers failed to disclose conflicts

  • June 1, 2018

5th Circuit mandate to vacate DOL fiduciary rule ‘still pending’

Observers can't tell why the regulation is still on death watch and not actually dead.


SEC charges former Long Island broker with $8 million scam

Steven Pagartanis promised investments in a land development company.

  • May 31, 2018

Interest groups split on delaying comments for SEC advice proposals

Consumer, adviser advocates want to see results of investor testing first, but SIFMA says stick with original Aug. 7 deadline.


How the SEC advice rule improves on the DOL fiduciary rule

The SEC initiative seeks to raise standards and let investors understand the motivations of their adviser, without limiting choice.


SEC proposes rules to make ETF research easier for broker-dealers

Chairman Jay Clayton says proposal would increase investors' access to research.