
Securities Industry And Financial Markets Association (SIFMA)

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  • News
  • June 27, 2016

With anti-DOL fiduciary rule lawsuits, industry organizations’ actions speak louder than words

How can those suing to quash the DOL rule, like SIFMA CEO Ken Bentsen Jr., claim to also support its premise?


Litigation schedule set for suits against DOL fiduciary rule

The plaintiffs and Labor Department are seeking summary judgment for the cases in a Dallas federal court, with a decision possible in October.


Lawsuit could force delay to DOL fiduciary rule implementation

Experts weigh plaintiffs' likely arguments versus Labor Department's legal standing and odds in court.


Lawsuit challenging DOL fiduciary rule to be filed Thursday: source

U.S. Chamber of Commerce, SIFMA, FSI, IRI and the Financial Services Roundtable are lining up against the controversial rule. The suit may be filed as early as Thursday.


Insurance groups opposed to DOL fiduciary rule step up campaign spending

The insurance and brokerage industries have shelled out many more dollars for congressional campaigns and lobbying than investment adviser organizations.


Senate approves resolution to kill DOL fiduciary rule

But without enough votes to overturn a threatened presidential veto, assistant secretary of Labor Phyllis Borzi calls the action 'the usual Washington Kabuki theater.'

  • April 6, 2016

DOL acting before SEC on fiduciary rule is ‘failure in public policy’

The SEC had a mandate to set a fiduciary standard, but failed to do so before the DOL.


What changes to look for in the final DOL fiduciary rule

Advocates, opponents of the rule seek similar alterations, and we'll likely know Wednesday if they were made.


Date leaked for release of DOL fiduciary rule

The Labor Department will unveil a final version of the so-called fiduciary rule next Wednesday, according to a published report.


Adviser groups step up lobbying as DOL rule nears completion

Organizations opposed to the fiduciary rule invested more in Capitol Hill outreach efforts last year, trying to convince Congress to stop the measure.


Adviser groups, financial firms keep cash flowing to congressional candidates

Organizations that dominate lobbying expenditures also donate the most to political campaigns. Leading the charge are NAIFA and the ICI, while TD Ameritrade contributed just $9,000.


Show me the money: Financial advisory trade groups pay handsomely

If you want to make money in the financial advisory business, don't be a financial adviser. Heading groups that advocate for them pays much better. Plus, see what the top brass make.


Industry, investor advocates clash on bond-price-transparency proposals

Rules proposed by Finra and MSRB would require brokers to detail the price differences they and the clients pay for corporate and municipal bonds.


DOL, industry spar over cost estimates for fiduciary rule

Perez defends White House study, while SIFMA and ICI attack it.

  • November 5, 2015

SEC Chairwoman White says agency is ‘full-out’ working on fiduciary rule

SEC chief says “if at the end of the day, you are depriving retail investors of reliable, reasonably priced advice, you will not have succeeded."


Democrats torn between Obama, financial industry on DOL fiduciary rule

Latest letter threatens to slow the rule-making process while time runs down on the current administration.


Republicans want to see cost-benefit analysis before SEC proceeds on fiduciary

Today's hearing on 2016 budget discussed the DOL rule as well, with a lawmaker asking Chairwoman Mary Jo White, 'Why are you allowing the Labor Department to take over your territory?'


State regulators, Finra, SIFMA propose fee disclosure model for brokers

State regulators, Finra, SIFMA say their approach would clarify charges to investors, yet commissions and advisory fees are left out of the plan.


Groups opposing DOL fiduciary rule step up lobbying spending

Proponents' dollars lag this year, with a focus on grass-roots action.

  • News
  • September 22, 2015

State regulators work on uniform approach to elder financial abuse

New measures are aimed at encouraging brokers to notify authorities when they suspect someone is trying to scam one of their clients.