
State Street Global Advisors

Displaying 143 results


Asset managers shift 401(k) distribution toward RIA aggregator firms

That could mean fewer wholesalers calling on individual advisers in the field.

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  • April 30, 2018

‘Father of ETFs’ warns about leveraged funds

Jim Ross of State Street says exchange-traded funds that use leverage are too dangerous for retail investors.


BlackRock’s lowest-cost ETFs win almost half of U.S. inflows

Four iShares Core funds have taken in $33.4 billion so far this year, a big chunk of the $75.3 billion added to U.S.-listed ETFs

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  • March 5, 2018

Why isn’t gold soaring?

Inflation fears and the declining dollar haven't pushed gold much higher — yet


Outlook 2018: Fund companies weigh in

This year looks good — but not great — for stocks and bonds, barring a spontaneous collapse in prices.

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  • October 16, 2017

State Street cuts fees, renames 15 ETFs

Reductions range from five to 48 basis points and three funds will track new indexes.

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  • September 28, 2017

General Electric 401(k) participants sue over poor-performing GE Asset Management funds

Plaintiffs allege GE breached fiduciary duties by selecting proprietary funds.

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  • April 4, 2017

Record $132 billion flowed into ETFs in first quarter

Fixed income had best quarter ever, while equity inflows continued at blistering pace

  • January 26, 2017

Meet the ETF Class of 2016

Most are majoring in smart beta.


USA Mutuals Vice Fund’s winning strategy in election year: Guns, booze, tobacco and gambling

The fund has beaten the S&P 500 in three of the last four presidential election cycles.


Bipartisan support from Democrats and Republicans bodes well for infrastructure investments

Infrastructure mutual funds and ETFs are currently beating the S&P 500.


Technology can offer support to advisers with aging clients

Software could help with recognizing and planning around clients' loss of cognitive function.


Fidelity fires the latest salvo in ETF fee war

No more commissions for 18 BlackRock ETFs.


Testing the limits of ETF tax efficiency

Index tweak forces ETF providers to get creative.


Bond-fund investors feel the sting of rising Treasury yields

The yield on the bellwether 10-year Treasury note has jumped from 1.37% in early July to 1.70 Thursday.


Gender diversity becomes an investment strategy

Breakfast with Benjamin In the wake of the March launch of the SPDR SSGA Gender Diversity Index ETF (SHE), out rolls the Bloomberg Financial Services Gender Equity Index.


ETF providers scramble to put Aug. 24 ‘flash crash’ in rearview mirror

One-year anniversary shows lots of effort to calm nerves, rebuild investor trust.


State Street Global Advisers to shutter 12 unloved ETFs

State Street Global Advisors is sending 12 of its exchange-traded funds to Palookaville, citing limited market demand.


Active ETFs produce few stars and even fewer fans

Mutual fund firms move defensively toward active ETFs.