

Displaying 231 results

  • January 13, 2013

Trillion-dollar coin isn’t the answer

Seriously? A trillion-dollar coin? I don’t know whether to laugh or begin stockpiling food, water and anything else…

  • January 6, 2013

‘Permanence’ of estate taxes helps planners

Sometimes it pays to procrastinate. Last year, estate planners and financial advisers were urging their wealthy clients…


A plan to rein in spending is needed

Financial advisers can cheer on behalf of some of their clients — individuals with annual income below $400,000 and couples below $450,000 — but they shouldn't cheer too loudly or too long.


Roth 401(k) switch is a good deal for younger taxpayers sitting on cash

The Senate’s decision to lift restrictions on Roth 401(k) conversions will be a boon to select individuals —…


Buffett: Rate hikes won’t deter wealthy investors

Warren E. Buffett, the second-richest man in the U.S., pressed his call for more taxes on the wealthy…


Advisers wrestle with uncertainty over capital gains

End-of-year sell-off to beat the tax man may not be the best plan


The real reason Warren Buffett should pay higher taxes

Distribution of wealth demonized, but research shows it works.

  • December 16, 2012

Planners say no to increase in estate tax rates

Warren Buffett and some of his rich friends may be OK with a hike in estate taxes, but…

  • December 16, 2012

Retirees can cut their taxes by delaying Social Security

When individual retirement accounts and 401(k)s were created decades ago, the idea was to offer tax-deferred savings on…


Tax decisions must be weighed carefully

Warren E. Buffett may be a great investor, but, judging by his Nov. 25 Op-Ed in The New…


Investing strategies as taxes rise

Attempting to manage client portfolios based on the chess match unfolding in Washington is probably a waste of…

  • December 2, 2012

Fiscal cliff? Not gonna happen

As I write this column, we are 32 days, 9 hours, 11 minutes and 12 seconds away from…

  • December 2, 2012

Advisers see tax hike part of cliff fix

Financial advisers expect that any fiscal cliff deal will include steeper taxes for the wealthy. The issue…

  • November 18, 2012

Budget deal is likely to occur, strategist says

Look for a budget deal sometime in December, Greg Valliere, chief political strategist at Potomac Research Group, said…


Smart investors are riding herd before the sunset

The race is on for wealthy Americans to save on taxes before Jan. 1. President Barack Obama’s…

  • November 13, 2012

Fiscal cliff is the most immediate worry, advisers say

With Election Day in the rear-view mirror and President Barack Obama ready to kick off a second term,…

  • November 11, 2012

Tax-managed funds back in the spotlight

The likelihood of higher taxes is making tax-managed mutual funds more popular. With President Barack Obama’s re-election,…

  • November 4, 2012

Estate of confusion over inheritance tax

The deadline is fast ap-proaching for wealthy individuals who plan to take advantage of the $5 million estate…

  • October 28, 2012

President Obama or President Romney?

President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney have very different visions of how policies related to…

  • October 16, 2012

Presidential debate: Obama 0, Romney 1

For the most part, I like Barack Obama. I went into last Wednesday's debate between the president and…