

Displaying 231 results

  • News
  • December 19, 2019

House votes to repeal SALT cap

But residents of high-tax states shouldn't get excited — the measure is dead on arrival in the Senate.


Reducing potential family conflicts

Even a close family can have quarrels during the estate planning process.

  • News
  • December 4, 2019

Biden tax plan targets wealthy and corporate behemoths such as Amazon, Netflix

Plan also details call to end loopholes worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

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  • October 14, 2019

Billionaires could see tax rates as high as 97.5% under Sanders

That compares with the 23% rate currently and the 62% rate proposed by Warren.

  • News
  • October 14, 2019

Billionaires could see tax rates as high as 97.5% under Sanders

That compares with the 23% rate currently and the 62% rate proposed by Warren.


The most misunderstood Roth conversion tax rule

Qualified distributions are the holy grail for Roth IRAs, but there is confusion around the time requirements.


Taxes are one thing – not the ‘only’ thing

Focus on after-tax returns and take advantage of tax-efficient structures when available.

  • News
  • August 27, 2019

Low interest rates boost this estate planning strategy

A type of trust known as a GRAT allows for larger tax-free transfers when interest rates are low

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  • August 8, 2019

Wealthy clients likely missed out on pass-through tax deduction

Is your business qualified for the pass-through deduction? Find out and see if you can get it

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  • June 24, 2019

Bernie Sanders to propose financial transactions tax to pay off student debt

Plan also provides states $48 billion annually to eliminate undergraduate tuition and fees at public colleges and universities

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  • June 13, 2019

States losing battle over SALT cap deduction

Arguments by Northeastern states in court hearing later this month deemed a long shot by legal experts


This strategy can double your estate-tax exemption

'Portability' allows a surviving spouse to tack on the decedent's exemption to his or her own. Despite the higher threshold for paying estate taxes in the 2017 tax law, experts recommend filing for the benefit.

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  • March 8, 2019

SALT stays: Limit on deduction for state and local taxes isn’t going anywhere

Republicans don't want to tinker with tax reform, and Democrats don't want to be seen giving the wealthy a break.

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  • February 7, 2019

Latest tax proposal from Democrats targets Wall Street

Sen. Brian Schatz, a Hawaii Democrat, is working on a plan that would tax financial trade.

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  • November 30, 2018

Tax law dilutes this important break after year-end

Taking a deduction for out-of-pocket medical expenses will face a higher bar after this year.

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  • October 25, 2018

NFL teams in high-tax states risk talent drain

Limits on federal deduction for state and local taxes could put them at a disadvantage in negotiations with free agents


Alternative minimum tax is a casualty of tax reform nobody will miss

Last year's overhaul is expected to slash the number of taxpayers subject to the AMT.

  • News
  • August 23, 2018

Here’s what could happen to your taxes if Democrats regain control of Congress

Boosting the corporate tax rate, eliminating carried interest and modifying the pass-through provision are among the possibilities Democrats are discussing.

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  • August 9, 2018

IRS provides guidance on pass-through taxes, targets loophole

Proposed regulations make it clear the agency considers splitting up businesses to get around income limits abusive.

  • News
  • July 31, 2018

Indexing capital gains for inflation would be tax windfall for clients

Observers say the proposal could open up areas of arbitrage, depending on how it's drafted