

Displaying 231 results

  • News
  • September 1, 2016

Trump corporate tax plan could be a boon for advisory firms

For some advisers who structure their practices so that revenue is reported on their personal income tax returns, Mr. Trump's idea represents a significant tax break.

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  • August 23, 2016

A new tax break may make you think twice about tying the knot

Unmarried couples can now deduct effectively twice as much of their mortgage and home interest on their tax returns.

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  • July 14, 2016

Advisers come out against proposed financial transactions tax

Majority of advisers say such a tax hurts retirement savers; fewer oppose tax targeting high-frequency traders.

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  • June 20, 2016

Republican tax plan would reduce brackets, slash investment taxes

House Republicans rolled out a tax-reform plan on Friday that would reduce the number of individual rates to three and eliminate many deductions.

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  • April 8, 2016

Big deals that can help take the sting out of Tax Day

Companies are offering freebies and discounts celebrating the end of the annual filing ordeal. Here's a roundup of what's available.

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  • April 6, 2016

Crazy season for advisers who prep client tax returns

Their offices are abuzz on Saturdays, and regular planning meetings with clients and prospects are put off until after the April 18 filing deadline.

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  • March 17, 2016

Some taxpayers will pay more for online, do-it-yourself preparation

Having more willpower early in the season could save a few bucks.

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  • February 22, 2016

Most Americans earmark tax refunds for savings, debt

More than half of the $330 billion in tax refunds Americans will get back this year will go toward savings or paying down debt — the highest percentage since 2007.

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  • December 16, 2015

Congress moves to delay Obamacare taxes

One provision in the spending bill pushes out for two years the 40% levy on high-cost health insurance plans, known as the Cadillac tax, that was supposed to start in 2018.

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  • June 25, 2015

Obamacare to add frustrating layer to your taxes

The IRS says it expects half of callers won't be able to get through.


Momentum building on tax reform

As senators invite the public to contact them with ideas on tax reform, advisers should speak up

  • News
  • January 20, 2015

IRS budget cuts mean fewer audits, delayed refunds

Budget cuts at the agency over the past five years have led to a “devastating erosion of service” — meaning even longer waits on the phone and delayed refunds this filing season, according to the national taxpayer advocate. They also mean fewer audits, which is good and bad.

  • News
  • December 17, 2014

How to donate stock and win a big tax break

Giving stock instead of cash to a charity means the charity nets more, and you avoid any tax liability. A donor-advised fund is a good option.


Give me a (tax) break: ETFs and tax efficiency

Breaking down some key differences between ETFs and mutual funds so you can help clients avoid unpleasant surprises.


Inversions the latest tax-cutting strategy

U.S. corporations have been going through a series of reinventions to minimize bite from the IRS.


Adapt investment strategies to pay for long-term care

Retirement expert Mary Beth Franklin details the importance of adjusting client investment portfolios to cover the costs of long-term care.


Don’t monkey around with IRAs

The tax reform proposal put forward by Rep. Dave Camp, departing chairman of the House Ways and Means…


Charitable IRA provision: Time is now

Once again, the qualified-charitable-distribution provision is set to expire at year-end. Not taking advantage of this provision could…


Keep your eyes on the calendar

Roth conversion rules allow an investor to re-characterize, or undo, a conversion. This makes sense when the value…


Guidance on taxes lacking for certain alternatives

The boom in alternative investments that began during the 2008 financial crisis as investors scrambled to buy noncorrelated…