

Displaying 20 results

  • News
  • June 20, 2024

The AI jobs threat is biggest for banking, says Citi

Some two-thirds of jobs across the sector could be automated or augmented by the technology.


AI vs. human advice: which one wins consumers’ trust?

New Finra research peels back the layers on consumer sentiment and use of artificial intelligence for financial and investment advice.


JPMorgan unveils AI training push for new hires

The transformational technology has permeated the firm and helped cut “no joy work,” says asset and wealth management head.


Millennials want advice now but industry ‘unprepared’

Firms must have a clear idea of how to attract and retain G2 advisors as record CFP exam numbers offer good news for the future.


Wealth management must sell itself again

We are living in a golden age for our industry, but challenges lie in wait and we must proudly tout the value of our services.

  • News
  • April 30, 2024

What tech should you use when you go RIA?

Several experts say it isn’t about what tech to use but rather the vision for the tech.

  • News
  • April 9, 2024

‘The best is yet to come’ for AI

Broadridge survey finds 75 percent of firms are confident about their tech offerings.

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  • April 5, 2024

Finra caught up in email phishing scheme

A new cybersecurity alert warns member firms to be wary of fraudulent messages impersonating key members of the regulator’s leadership.

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  • February 29, 2024

Boston wealth firm breaks new ground in portfolio personalization

New solution for RIAs and family offices speeds up investment management with innovative household wealth optimization feature.

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  • January 30, 2024

Earnings in focus include ‘Magnificent Seven’

It's the busiest week of the current earnings season, but what will it bring?

  • News
  • January 25, 2024

Bad tech is bad for advisors’ business

44% of advisors have left a firm because of poor technology, Advisor360 survey finds.

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  • January 19, 2024

Want to make a ‘few billion dollars’? Entrepreneur explains how

Billionaire Brad Jacobs offers tips from his experience founding seven billion-dollar companies.

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  • October 25, 2023

US stocks slide after mixed tech earnings, but is a rally ahead?

Microsoft and Alphabet were the big reports pre-market, with Amazon and Meta ahead.

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  • June 16, 2023

ESG returns rebound, taking some gas out of performance debate

There are lessons in the data for politicians who are pro- or anti-ESG, but the numbers might be dismissed.

  • News
  • December 6, 2022

Viewing robo-advice as an ally to human advice

Riskalyze's Aaron Klein embraces the Luddite position of not expecting technology to ever replace the human adviser.

  • News
  • September 21, 2022

Pension funds fixate on climate change

A survey of pension fund managers responsible for nearly $2 trillion worth of assets shows asset allocation decisions are being driven by a focus on climate change and a search for yield.

  • News
  • September 25, 2018

Moody’s expects consumer technology giants to be major disruptors in financial services

If Google, Apple and Facebook control client relationships, they can take control of financial product distribution.


Digitize your data to elevate your business strategy

Stop wasting time with paper and start boosting revenue with automation.


This guy makes high-speed trading even speedier

CEO of Anova Technologies uses high-frequency radio wave technology that travels twice as fast as fiber optic to connect Chicago and New York.


MONDAY MORNING: Hope that tech souffle doesn’t fall

Has anyone figured out the Nasdaq yet? Shares of technology companies soared last week, setting records for three…