

Displaying 388 results


McCann can: UBS reports first net new client inflows since 2008

Former Merrill exec Bob McCann is helping to spark a turnaround in the UBS wealth management unit


Madoff trustee slams UBS, sues for $2B

The trustee trying to recover money for investors cheated by jailed financier Bernard Madoff announced a lawsuit Wednesday…


Bob McCann vows to turn around UBS wealth business—and culture

Robert McCann, the new chief executive of UBS Wealth Management Americas, took aim at the culture of the firm this morning, while praising its network of 7,300 financial advisers.


New UBS wealth chief Bob McCann: Industry is ‘ripe for reinvention’

Ending months of speculation, UBS today officially appointed Robert McCann as its new head of wealth management in the Americas — and he's wasting no time in identifying new opportunities for the firm's 8,000 financial advisers.


UBS loses arbitration case over ‘principal protected’ notes

Finra panel rules in favor of two clients who bought Lehman products from UBS broker; bank to pay $530K


Financial adviser — and ex-UBS client — gets jail time for Swiss accounts

Hernandez evaded paying taxes on $8.8M; advised wealthy clients on -- yep -- taxes and offshore trusts


UBS clients race to avoid stiff IRS penalties — and possible jail time

U.S. citizens and residents with UBS AG accounts are racing the clock to disclose their secret holdings to the Internal Revenue Service after the Swiss Parliament ratified an agreement to surrender the names of 4,450 bank clients, tax lawyers said.


UBS woos Asia’s ultra rich amid incredible wealth spurt

UBS AG, Switzerland's largest bank, is putting more focus on its richest clients in Asia and bringing its investment bankers closer to asset managers to meet their demands.


Justice Dept. drops ‘most significant tax case’ in U.S. history

Landmark criminal case against UBS exposed thousands of wealthy tax cheats; end of secret Swiss accounts


UBS tax evasion probe expands to three new countries

UBS AG of Switzerland said Monday that authorities in Britain, Canada and Australia are investigating the bank's offshore business in the wake of revelations that it helped U.S. customers evade their taxes for years.


UBS hires Morgan Stanley Smith Barney alternatives specialist

Jerry Pascucci, the chief investment officer for alternative investments at Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, is joining the U.S. wealth management unit of UBS AG to run alternatives for high-net-worth clients.


UBS will seek to have $81M Finra ruling overturned

UBS AG, the largest Swiss bank, will seek to reverse a ruling requiring it to pay a U.S. company for business lost when its funds were tied up during the collapse of the auction-rate securities market two years ago.


UBS sued for allegedly lifting articles for its investment research

Bank accused of reprinting whole articles from energy publications; 'systematic manner'


UBS revamps wealth management unit

After weeks of discussions, UBS AG has announced a reorganization of its wealth management business to help integrate the unit with its financial adviser business.

  • July 27, 2010

Merrill, UBS sued by Schwab over mortgage-backed securities

Units of Bank of America Corp.'s Merrill Lynch & Co., UBS AG and Bear Stearns Cos. were sued by Charles Schwab Corp. over claims they lied or omitted information on mortgage-backed securities

  • July 15, 2010

UBS unit facing forgery probe on Bernie Madoff funds

UBS AG's Luxembourg unit is being probed by prosecutors over allegations of forgery when it oversaw two funds linked to Bernard Madoff.

  • July 14, 2010

UBS tells clients: Stocks will gain half as much as previously forecast

UBS AG reduced its forecast for where the Standard & Poor's 500 Index will end the year to 1,150, citing slower profit growth and an unwillingness among investors to pay higher valuations for earnings.

  • July 11, 2010

Firms still enhancing target date funds

Despite a tepid response from plan sponsors, asset management firms continue to develop and promote annuity-enhanced target date funds, insisting that demand for retirement income will spur interest.


Broker recruiting gets ‘rational’

Big brokerage firms appear to have taken a break from their costly musical-chairs game of broker recruitment, according to executives and headhunters.


CEO refocusing UBS on adviser strength, wealthier clients

UBS Wealth Management Americas, the profit-starved U.S. retail-brokerage unit of UBS AG, will rebuild its reputation and revenue by marketing the advisory strength of its brokers and minting better products for wealthy investors, its new chief executive told brokers last week in outlining his strategy for the firm.