
Waddell & Reed Inc.

Displaying 35 results

  • August 22, 2018

Top Waddell & Reed team bolts to form RIA

Firm continues to lose advisers — this time a top team.

  • July 31, 2018

Waddell & Reed continues to shed brokers, though productivity rises

Adviser headcount was down 3.4% in second quarter, but productivity was up 35%.


Ex-Waddell & Reed manager finds success recruiting advisers from old firm

80 advisers at Pennsylvania firm used to be with Waddell & Reed.

  • May 31, 2018

More turnover at the top of Waddell & Reed

The latest turnover includes the departure of a senior vice president.


What’s the next act for Waddell & Reed’s advisers?

Its head count dropped more than 29% over the last year, although the productivity of the remaining advisers improved.


Waddell & Reed sees flurry of senior staff departures

Firm also experiences an almost 30% decline in number of brokers and advisers.

  • November 27, 2017

Waddell & Reed replaces head of its broker-dealer

Thomas Butch is stepping down, and COO Shawn Mihal is filling the void.


Waddell & Reed latest active fund manager sued for 401(k) self-dealing

The plaintiff claims the company only offered one unaffiliated investment option during the class period, resulting in excessive fees for participants.


Finra bans LPL broker for depositing client funds into own bank account

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Inc. has barred an LPL Financial broker for depositing client funds into his…


Moody’s upbeat on mutual-fund companies for the third quarter

Outflows at Franklin and Waddell & Reed mask overall healthy inflows.

  • April 22, 2016

Post-DOL fiduciary rule, Wall Street gives the nod to low-cost fund companies

Broker-sold fund companies lag since new regulation released.


Wisconsin’s 529 is the big cheese among adviser-sold plans

Wisconsin's 529 is the top performer among adviser-sold 529 plans


12(b)-1 reform bite should be ‘modest’ for most, KBW says

Concerns about the impact of the proposed 12(b)-1 reform are overblown — at least for the fund industry, according to a report released last week


Did mutual fund firm in Kansas trigger flash crash on Wall Street?

Waddell & Reed Financial Inc., the mutual-fund manager based in the heart of Kansas that caters to mom and pop investors, is an unlikely company to be blamed for sending Wall Street into a tailspin on May 6.


Biggest 12(b)-1 reform losers? These three firms

AllianceBernstein Holding LP, Franklin Resources Inc. and Waddell & Reed Financial Inc. are the three publicly traded mutual fund companies with the most at stake pending the SEC's 12(b)-1 reform.