

Displaying 6 results

  • April 4, 2013

Adviser Technology: Six steps to results and returns

A handful of advisory firms are maximizing their technology investments to run more efficient, effective - and ultimately profitable practices. What are the traits of the top performing and most innovative independent advisers? Listen to the archive of this exclusive InvestmentNews Research webcast, which offers a look at the results of our 2013 Adviser Technology Study.

  • April 3, 2013

Adviser branding in the age of social media

Social media is a powerful way to enhance an adviser's brand - but first an adviser must have a brand to enhance. This webcast will provide you with tools to develop a strong personal brand and show you how social media can help power your brand to attract new clients.

  • April 1, 2013

Advisers and iPads: Making the most of your tablet

Who doesn't love the iPad? The wildly popular tablet is quickly becoming a favorite all-in-one communication tool, used by more and more advisers and their clients. This webcast looks at the latest applications, shortcuts and techniques — and discusses how to incorporate the iPad into your practice and workflow.

  • April 1, 2013

Adviser Tech Trends: Winning the technology war

The major custodians, as well as some smaller ones, are all trying to win over advisers with new and robust technology platforms. This webcast looks at what works - and what doesn't - within their latest technology offerings.