
Women Advisor Community

Displaying 11 results


Hiring the right person for the job

Tarah Williams, of Prospera Financial Services, will put forward the virtues of an effective mentorship program at this week's InvestmentNews Women Advisor Summit.


Changing the narrative for women in wealth

‘Wealth-building is the final frontier of feminism,’ says Hilary Hendershott of Hendershott Wealth Management


Keeping families together

The psychological aspect of wealth transfer is just as important as the financial aspect, if not more so, advisor says.


‘It’s about advice beyond investing’

UBS market executive Julie Fox explains how she provides her advisors with everything they need to build their practice and serve their wealthy clients

  • News
  • March 27, 2024

Women and CPAs are in focus at RIA Choreo

"It's smart to align with a proven center of influence, CPAs," an industry consultant says.


7 ways to encourage women to pursue financial advisory careers

Firms benefit from different points of view and diversity; if women are underrepresented on your team, take steps to change that.

  • News
  • March 8, 2024

More women advisors equal more clients

Female advisors share their experiences and insights in recognition of International Women’s Day.

  • News
  • March 4, 2024

What representation in the C-suite says about the gender pay gap

Few of the highest-level corporate jobs are held by women, and the difference is even more pronounced in financial services.


Helping kids understand the meaning of money

'People are starting to understand that health also means financial health,' says Liz Frazier of Frazier Financial Consultants.

  • News
  • February 29, 2024

SEC announces new director for investment division

Natasha Vij Greiner has been with the regulator for two decades.

  • News
  • February 22, 2024

One of Wall Street’s highest-flying women is reportedly quitting

Goldman Sachs executive had been tipped for CFO and other top roles.