
Emerging Markets

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EM bond rally at risk as hawkish tones grow

Era of 'easy money' in emerging markets may be over for now.


Emerging market assets at lowest point so far in 2024

Index highlights international weakness as US economy remains robust.


Why are traders anticipating a ‘once in a lifetime’ bet on emerging markets?

Local-currency funds are in favor for potential surge.


Diversification beyond borders: Exploring global markets

Emerging markets present high growth potential and unique opportunities to diversify, but they also come with higher risk than domestic markets.


EM bond sales rebound with $20B in dollar notes

Lower US Treasury yields meant more favorable borrowing costs for emerging markets.


Advisors consider opportunities in Chinese stocks as nations’ leaders meet

“If everyone's running for the hills, it's got to be the most overwhelming contrarian trade of the year,” a fund manager says.


Why emerging markets are not the place to be right now

Bullish sentiment of early 2023 has faded among many analysts.


Schroders’ new bond scores level ESG playing field

Emerging markets look more attractive once rich-world bias is corrected.


Funds sell China stocks for lowest position in 11 months

Investors unimpressed by Beijing's stimulus measures.


Economists now think China will miss growth expectations

Earlier predictions have been trimmed and the #2 economy could still face a hard landing.


Hedge funds show growing optimism for EM equities

Funds most bullish on futures since 2020.


Funds ditch $11B of China’s blue-chip stocks in 13 days

Fears of economic contagion from housing market are driving investors out of the mainland market.


Looking to take risks? EMs may be a step too far

Chaos in markets heading for worst losses in almost a year.


Time to start foraging for foreign stocks as dollar declines

'If the dollar comes down, then you get a double bonus for investing offshore,' says Citi Global Wealth's CIO.


Financial advisors wave the caution flag in client portfolios

Fidelity research shows a trend toward de-risking and an increased focus on diversification in the portfolios advisors build for their clients.


Bond managers see 2023 as stark contrast from carnage last year

DoubleLine's Jeff Sherman and BlackRock's Steve Laipply see many opportunities in the fixed-income market.


Tribes place generational wealth in their own hands

Native Americans are gaining economic muscle, and that expands horizons for investors and advisors who want to be part of their rise.


Bob Doll’s predictions for 2023 paint less scary picture of year ahead

His 10 calls for this year suggest a smoother ride for the markets that could depend on more action from Washington.


BlackRock pushes three investing themes

The asset manager says the new consumer, an industrial renaissance and medical innovation are areas where changes have exposed 'underestimated investment opportunities.'


Advisers buckle up for more market volatility

Trouble in the bond markets is moving investment portfolios well beyond traditional allocations of 60% stocks and 40% bonds.