

Displaying 2261 results


Three biggies add $1B teams to ranks

Moves by Wells, Merrill, LPL sign of times?


Court says Bank of America can’t force brokers into arbitration

A federal judge has ruled that Merrill Lynch can't force a group of brokers suing the firm over overtime into arbitration. The case has big implications for the Finra-Schwab class action case.


Morgan Stanley hard hit by broker defections

IN data indicate the firm lost a net 11 adviser teams, $8.4B in client assets, in the third quarter.


Ludeman retiring from Wells Fargo Advisors

Danny Ludeman, longtime chief of Wells Fargo Advisors, is retiring, leaving all bankers in charge. That has advisers worried.


Former Merrill broker pleads guilty in insider trading case

Officials say broker helped Qualcomm executive trade on inside information over acquisition.


Merrill Lynch, UBS lure new advisers managing $850M

The moves from Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs add to a spate of adviser movement


The inexorable shift away from the wirehouses

Rudy Adolf of Focus Financial says strong wealth management relationships are about trust, and the bond of trust with the client has been broken


Broadridge offers automated cost-basis application

A new partnership between Broadridge Financial Solutions and Scivantage will provide Broadridge clients with access to Scivantage Maxit, an automated cost-basis application.


Merrill, UBS lure top advisers

Bank of America Merrill Lynch and UBS Wealth Management Americas have hired four high-performing financial advisers, adding to…


A game of musical chairs at wirehouses

Big incentive packages and adviser frustration mark new momentum as turnover picks up.


BofA quashed on arbitration

Court denies request by bank, Merrill on overtime suit.


Adviser numbers will continue to slide: Cerulli

Financial adviser and IBD headcounts continue to shrink as training can't catch up with the drain of talent. But how's the rest of the business faring?


Agenda item

Changes are expected as Finra considers its controversial broker-comp rule this week. Industry watchers say wirehouses are largely backing a recruiting incentive regulation but IBDs oppose it.


Morgan Stanley’s Gorman: Chance of another financial crisis ‘close to zero’

“The way these firms are managed, the amount of capital that they have, the amount of liquidity that they have, the changes in their business mix -- it's dramatic," according to Morgan Stanley's CEO.


UBS to pay $120 million to settle Lehman claims

The brokerage giant was accused of violating federal securities laws in underwriting and selling Lehman securities to investors, who claimed that offering materials contained misleading information about Lehman's financial condition.


<b>The Takeaway:</b> Sell in May not so simple after all

Portfolio Sell in May: Not so simple… (can’t anything ever be?) (Rick Ferri) Merrill…


Merrill heats up summer hiring market with advisers managing $533M

The additions to the firm reflect new hiring activity, recruiters say


BofA Merrill bias settlement goes to once-skeptical judge for approval

The judge who today will hear arguments on Bank of America's $160 million settlement has repeatedly rejected requests by black financial advisers at BofA's Merrill Lynch unit to sue as a group over alleged racial discrimination.


Merrill settles racial lawsuit for $160M, but little changes

Ripple effect could be felt, making advice business 'a healthier place.'


Wells Fargo adds advisers managing $966M in assets

Five hires join from rival firms Morgan Stanley, UBS