
Women Advisor Community

Displaying 753 results


Planning-focused firms have edge with women

Rebecca Pomering has no doubt why she wants a female-friendly practice. “Our premise is that more and more…


Why that ‘Women and Investing’ seminar you’re planning is a bad idea

While recognizing the differences is important, singling out women is a mistake


How to retain female clients

Cathy Saunders, head of the RIA business at Putnam Investments, offers advice to advisers on ways to capture - and keep - female clients.


Merrill advisers win round in court

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has denied a request by Merrill Lynch to rehear arguments on…


Women and investing: What advisers need to know

InvestmentNews has kicked off an integrated initiative to help financial advisers better serve female investors. The program —…


Merrill advisers rebuffed on bias suit

The Supreme Court has refused to revive a bid to sue Bank of America Corp.'s Merrill Lynch unit for allegedly paying 700 black financial advisers less than their white counterparts


Slower recovery

The Great Recession ended in June 2009, but don't tell that to women


‘This is not an easy industry for women’

Sherri Stephens remembers the first investment conference that she attended at Raymond James Financial Inc., when she was in her early 20s


Couples: Talk about retirement plans, finances

A Fidelity survey of married couples finds that they aren't on the same page when it comes to retirement planning, finances.


Gender split on target funds

Female retirement plan participants appear to display a greater inclination to place assets in target date funds than in target risk funds


Program helps women cope with ‘life transitions’

An enormous number of women aren't getting the help they need to navigate major life changes


Minorities can enrich financial services industry

The confirmation a year ago of the first Hispanic Supreme Court justice, following the election of the first black president, has signaled for many people a growing appreciation of racial diversity and inclusiveness in the United States.


Women sue BofA for alleged bias on bonuses

Bank of America finds itself back in hot water over retention bonuses at its recently acquired Merrill Lynch…


Native American tribe buys a broker-dealer

In what may be a first, a Native American tribe is buying a broker-dealer and money manager, with a plan to win business by using its status as a minority-owned firm to appeal to Native American investors.


An industry first? American Indian tribe buys a broker-dealer

In what may be a first, a tribe of Native Americans is buying a broker-dealer and money manager, with a plan to win business by using its status as a minority-owned firm to appeal to Native American investors.


What women want

Although women constitute a significant amount of global spending, many feel that they are underserved by businesses, particularly in the investment industry, according to a recently released survey from The Boston Consulting Group Inc.


Women take lead in cutting back on spending

Women are cutting back on discretionary expenses in this down economy more than men, according to a study released today.


Blacks, Hispanics lag in 401(k) participation

African Americans and Hispanics are less prepared for retirement than their white and Asian counterparts, according to a survey released today.


Do you ‘get’ female investors?

For all the talk of advisers recognizing the importance of female investors, it still seems there's a way to go.


Widows’ needs being ignored by advisers

The nearly 800,000 women who become widows each year share something beyond loss.