
Women Advisor Community

Displaying 753 results


Stock market ‘busts’

In the midst of the economic downturn, a few women working in the financial services industry are taking advantage of some other assets to build their portfolios.


Minorities and middle market underserved niches

Agents and advisers are overlooking an opportunity for new life insurance sales: the middle market and minorities, said Catherine H .Smith, chief executive officer of U.S. insurance at ING North America Insurance Corp., in Atlanta.


Brokers: Merrill’s retention packages discriminatory

Merrill Lynch & Co. Inc. has been accused of discriminating against African American and female brokers, a claim based on the retention bonus package that was announced to the firm’s brokers last Friday.


Diversity Task Force unveiled

The Financial Planning Association's Diversity Task Force has created a scholarship program to help increase involvement among groups that are underrepresented in the financial industry.


Sham B-D targeted Hispanics, SEC says

The SEC has charged a man for running a fraudulent unregistered day-trading firm and violating federal securities laws.


Study: Women should lighten equity load

Due to their longer life expectancies, woman should allocate much less to equities than advisers normally recommend, according to an academic paper.


Wealthy wives want equal treatment from advisers

Married wealthy women want to be treated as equal partners in terms of financial decisions when they meet with financial advisers, according to a study from Mintel International Group Ltd. released exclusively to InvestmentNews.


African-Americans, Hispanics struggle to maintain lifestyle

Remaining in the middle class has been especially tough for African-American and Hispanic families in this year's difficult economic times, according to financial advisers and a recent public-policy report.


Survey: Most women not very trusting of advisers

The good news is that women trust financial advisers more than automobile mechanics. The bad news is that they trust advisers less than insurance agents.


Morgan Stanley poaches American Indian wealth team

Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management has poached a team from fellow Lehman Brothers to serve high-net-worth American Indian clients.


Women prevail in Smith Barney suit

A federal judge has approved Citigroup Inc.'s $33 million class action settlement with female brokers.


Study: Women fear retirement more than men

They have reason to be nervous: Women work 12 fewer years than men on average and have less put away for retirement.


Diversity efforts bearing fruit, says SIFMA

Race and gender diversity at financial firms has improved but has remained static for the past two years, a SIFMA report showed.