
Jeremy Grantham

Jeremy Grantham, chief investment officer of GMO LLC. See his biography on Wikipedia here.

Displaying 8 results


Grantham: How to survive betting against the bull

The central truth of the investment business is that investment behavior is driven by career risk.


Grantham: Investors should heavily underweight U.S. equities

The following is excerpted from Jeremy Grantham’s latest GMO Quarterly Letter. To read the full letter, click…


Grantham: Capitalism has no sense of ethics or conscience

The following is excerpted from Jeremy Grantham’s latest GMO Quarterly Letter. To read the full letter, click…


Jeremy Grantham: What to buy

For those with a long horizon, I am sure well-managed forestry and farmland will outperform the average of all global assets.


Jeremy Grantham: A hierarchy of problems

With hindsight, there are a few additions and qualifications I would like to make regarding my letter on resources of last quarter. I will start with an overview of the prospects for our collective well-being: there is nothing about the resource limitation problem that we cannot resolve. We have the brain power and, especially, the inventiveness.


Jeremy Grantham: One of the ‘greatest inflection points’ in economic history

The legendary investor warns that the world is now a more constrained place -- a place where prices of raw materials will rise and shortages will be commonplace


Jeremy Grantham: Recommendations for the upcoming period of deflation

The following is an excerpt from the quarterly outlook of Jeremy Grantham, co-founder of $94 billion money manager Grantham, Mayo & Van Otterloo LLC. To read the full quarterly commentary, click here.


Jeremy Grantham: Playing with fire (a possible race to the old highs)

It's spring, and this spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of speculation. The Fed's promises look good and, as long as you're not a small business, you can borrow to invest or speculate at no cost.