
John Waggoner

Displaying 509 results


In departure from previous administration, SEC approves quadruple-leveraged fund

Move could signal a more lenient Securities and Exchange Commission in its approach to regulation.


More ETFs getting put on deathwatch

12 more funds swam with the fishes last month.


Diverse asset management firms are hard to find

Women, minorities still run a small percentage of firms


These investments could do well under Trump tax plan ​

Master limited partnerships, tech funds and financial firms could be winners under the president's proposal.


Smart-beta ETFs shine

Many funds with these strategies bested their indexes in the past year.


John Bogle says investors don’t need to own international stocks​

Famed Vanguard founder says venturing outside the US involves unnecessary exposure to currency risk, economic risk and societal instability risk.


Is it time to go international?

With domestic stock valuations high, investing overseas could finally pay off.


9 fund companies poised to be best business partners for advisers: Morningstar

BlackRock, Vanguard, Schwab among the top


Vanguard fires another salvo in the fee war

The nation's largest fund company lowers fees on three mutual funds and 14 ETFs; raises fees on one fund


Think you’re an expert on market sentiment? So does everyone else

The market's moods are hard to read.