
Rosemarie Maldonado

Displaying 56 results


Planning for the arf-terlife — estate planning for pets

As more and more people turn to financial advisers to map out their own futures, they're increasingly asking them to draw up plans for their pets as well.


Among the survivors, Islamic investing

After the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the telephones fell silent, says Phelps McIlvaine, whose company advises two mutual funds geared toward Muslims.


Former employees helping Alger get back on its feet

As the nation tries to recover from the terrorist attacks that leveled the World Trade Center, Fred Alger Management also has begun its long route to revival.


Those who succeed are best at human interaction, study says

Behavioral style, personal values and human interaction are more likely to determine a financial adviser's success than technical or product knowledge, according to a new study.


Fast Track – Napfa: A new chairman, a new direction

The National Association of Personal Financial Advisors is planning to take off in a new direction now that Steven P. Kanaly is at the controls.


Avoiding taxes bigger goal than building assets

They say you can’t take it with you, but wealthy Americans are determined to leave as much behind…


Car dealer’s succession plan drives case study analysis

The “Dream Team” selected by respondents to Lincoln Financial’s survey analyzed a case study of a hypothetical Fairfield,…


Relax, step back, then invest

Rudyard Kipling said it; Patricia Jennerjohn practices it – with her own spin, of course. If you can…


It’s now safe to swim, says this shark

Like a remora with a shark, financial advisers could soon be swimming in the same waters as TIAA-Cref…


New York, Philadelphia firms sanctioned for frivolous suit

The sudden rise in class actions over the boom and bust of so many stock offerings has produced…