
Women, money and investing

InvestmentNews partnered with Kiplinger’s to ask women about their experiences at different life stages with investing and financial…

InvestmentNews partnered with Kiplinger’s to ask women about their experiences at different life stages with investing and financial advisers. Here are some of the results.

Their adviser’s gender


Source: InvestmentNews/Kiplinger’s Financial Advice & Investing Survey
No. 1 reason to hire an adviser

High-level professionals
To help plan and save for retirement

Breadwinners, Widows, Single and Wealthy
To improve overall investment returns
Source: InvestmentNews/Kiplinger’s Financial Advice & Investing Survey
I only discuss my finances with professionals
Source: InvestmentNews/Kiplinger’s Financial Advice & Investing Survey
Their investment risk tolerance
Low or below average
Average risk tolerance
High or above-average

Low or below average
Average risk tolerance
High or above-average

Source: InvestmentNews/Kiplinger’s Financial Advice & Investing Survey
Range of women’s financial goals and fears
No. 1 personal financial goal
Breadwinners* Single and wealthy** Widows High-level professionals***
Leave behind wealth or a legacy for future generations of my family 6.5% 11.5% 22.1% 3.9%
Retire with financial security and peace of mind 60.2% 42.3% 19.8% 76.5%
Accumulate as much wealth as possible 3% 3.8% 3.5% 2.6%
Accumulate wealth for specific ambitions (travel, opening a business, etc.) 5.5% 7.7% 4.7% 8.5%
Lead a comfortable and predictable lifestyle 24.9% 34.6% 50% 8.5%
No. 1 financial fear
Breadwinners* Single and wealthy** Widows High-level professionals***
Going into debt, not being able to pay off debt 5% 7.9% 9.7% 8.5%
Not having enough money to support my family 7% 2% 3.7% 5.9%
Not having enough money to retire 13.6% 4.9% 2.4% 17%
Running out of money in retirement 59.3% 71.6% 67.1% 58.2%
Not being able to cover medical expenses 15.1% 13.7% 17.1% 10.5%
Primary tools for learning about finances
Breadwinners* Single and wealthy** Widows High-level professionals***
Newspapers, magazines or websites 88.8% 83.8% 80.2% 87%
Financial television news networks 13.7% 34.3% 35.4% 11%
Personal financial adviser 28.3% 29.5% 31.3% 27.9%
Friends or family 12.7% 1% 8.3% 15.6%
Seminars or other events 4.4% 6.7% 4.2% 3.2%
Financial institutions (bank, 401(k) provider, brokerage firm) 16.6% 21% 16.7% 23.4%
Resources that would be most helpful if seeking a financial adviser
Breadwinners* Single and wealthy** Widows High-level professionals***
Information hosted on an adviser’s website 41.7% 37.9% 40% 53.8%
Social media accounts, blogs or newsletters from an adviser 13.9% 10.3% 10% 15.4%
Attending a seminar hosted by a financial adviser 29.2% 34.5% 25% 23.1%
Radio or television program where an adviser is the host or a guest 15.3% 17.2% 25% 7.7%
Source: InvestmentNews/Kiplinger’s Financial Advice & Investing Survey
Note: *Married women who are the primary or equal earner in their household, and are the primary decision-maker when it comes to their investments; ** Unmarried women whose household net worth is greater than $750,000; ***Working women in management, executive or ownership positions.

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